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31 January 2011

Knoxville diocese teams up with mom to fight Planned Parenthood ‘abstinence’ class

Sourceby Kathleen Gilbert Thu Jan 27 7:15 PM EST KNOXVILLE, Tennessee, January 27, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The Catholic Diocese of Knoxville has teamed up with a local mom to spread awareness of a Planned Parenthood “abstinence” class that one teen said taught anything but. Kym McCormick learned of Planned Parenthood’s teaching material after her daughter Alaynna, a student at Hardin Valley Academy, came home last October in tears over the material presented in the class. “I’m tired of everyone...

30 January 2011

How the Scientific Consensus can hinder Science

SourceHow the Scientific Consensus can hinder Science Intelligent Design is repeatedly dismissed by its critics as being unscientific. Many who make this assertion are not suggesting that it has no empirical data to support its claims but rather that it is completely outside the realm of science. This is because of a narrow definition of science that has been developed. What is scientific, according to this definition, is a matter of ongoing debate. Google “problem of demarcation” and you will get some idea of the extent...

US Communist Leader Urges Unification With Democratic Party

Source Posted by Jim Hoft Most of us saw this coming. In fact, most of us already thought the democrats were a socialst party. (Aren’t they?) In fact, socialists marched into the left-wing’s One Nation” rally in October chanting: “Obama aint no socialist! We are! We are!” So this may not come as a surprise to many of you… But it is significant.The leader of the Communist Party USA is telling his supporters to unite with democrats.P/O’ed Patriot posted this today from the Communist People’s World: People’s multi-racial, multi-ethnic...

What The Heck Happened to the Anti-War Movement?

Source -By Warner Todd Huston Remember those hoary days of raucous protest when anti-war protesters sent thousands of people into the streets sometimes with only a days notice? Now consider this: have you seen any of these giant protests since 2008 presidential election? Yeah, no one else has, either. Do you wonder why that is? Well, it’s because the anti-war movement was nothing else but a hypocritical proxy issue used solely to get rid of President Bush and the Republicans. It was never about war at all. At this point this is an indisputable...

29 January 2011

Allen West Reacts to Olbermann Departure


The horror of abortion

January 28, 2011 (Breakpoint.com) - The statistic has everyone reeling: According to a recent survey, forty-one percent of pregnancies in New York City end in abortion. Forty-one percent. Nearly half. As you might expect, pro-lifers are deeply concerned, and already trying to find ways to bring that number down. Archbishop Timothy Dolan to name one, called a news conference to say that the church would be stepping up its efforts to encourage and help women in crisis pregnancies. But pro-choicers weren’t too excited about this news either. The...

Anti-Violence Activist Beats Up Woman

Source Posted by Van Helsing It's better to practice what liberals preach, because only an imam would be barbaric enough to preach what some of them practice. For example, the "prime mover" of We Stop the Killings can't always be sermonizing about the evils of violence; sometimes he has to let off a little steam by pounding on women in front...

San Diego firefighters victorious in suit against forced participation in gay pride parade

SourceSAN DIEGO, California, January 28, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Four California firefighters forced to participate in a gay pride parade in July 2007 are victorious after the California Supreme Court this week refused to hear the city’s petition to review an appellate court decision last year. The four men, led by Fire Capt. John Ghiotto of the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department, filed the suit against the city of San Diego for sexual harassment a month after a battalion chief directly ordered them to ride a fire engine in a lewd parade through...

Canadian Blood Services seeks end to gay donor ban

Sourceby Rebecca Millette Thu Jan 27 5:27 PM EST OTTAWA, January 27, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A spokesperson for the Canadian Blood Services (CBS), the federal blood donor agency, told the Toronto Star yesterday that the lifetime ban on homosexual men donating blood is outdated and needs to be loosened. The ban was put in place in 1985 after the Canadian Red Cross, in charge of the blood supply at the time, failed to properly screen donors. The result was that thousands of Canadians were infected...

Several Links

1. Catholics Discriminated Against UFO Cult..............2. Al-Qaeda in Iraq vows more Christian attacks..............3. Judges rule cross at Calif. park unconstitutiona...

Nigeria: Machete-Wielding Muslims Hack Six Christians to Death

SourceMore religious cleansing of Christians from their homelands.JOS, Nigeria (AP)– Authorities say machete-wielding attackers have killed six people in two attacks on Christian villages in central Nigeria.The attacks occurred Sunday night south of Jos with attackers armed with machetes and firearms targeting two Christian villages.Violence between Christians and Muslims has claimed more than 500 lives over the last year in Jos and surrounding areas.Officials say the raid was in retaliation for a New Year’s Eve attack on a van full of Muslims...

Christian resisted nacional socialism

Source German judge Lothar Kreyssig, who risked everything to oppose the Nazi T4 euthanasia program. January 24, 2011 (Breakpoint.org) - You have probably never heard of Lothar Kreyssig—I hadn’t until recently. Yet, after hearing...

28 January 2011

"I was told to abort my baby, but she’s ‘the best thing that ever happened’"

by Christine Dhanagom Thu Jan 27 6:23 PM EST NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, January 27, 2011 (Lifesitenews.com) - Single mom Paris Tassin appeared on the American Idol audition in Louisiana last Thursday night where she gave a tearful testimony about her decision to bring an unplanned, high risk pregnancy to term. Tassin was eighteen years old when she found out she was pregnant. An ultrasound revealed that the baby had hydrocephalus, a condition characterized by fluid build-up inside the skull....

What The Heck Happened to the Anti-War Movement?

Source -By Warner Todd Huston Remember those hoary days of raucous protest when anti-war protesters sent thousands of people into the streets sometimes with only a days notice? Now consider this: have you seen any of these giant protests since 2008 presidential election? Yeah, no one else has, either. Do you wonder why that is? Well, it’s because the anti-war movement was nothing else but a hypocritical proxy issue used solely to get rid of President Bush and the Republicans. It was never about war at all. At this point this is an indisputable...

Poll: More Americans Now Consider Themselves Republicans

SourceHope and Change…Rasmussen finds that more Americans now consider themselves to be members of the party of Lincoln and Reagan than of FDR and Obama. The poll finds that 37 percent of Americans now call themselves Republicans, compared with 34 percent who call themselves Democrats. Rasmussen adds, “Keep in mind that figures reported…are for...

The man who risked everything to oppose the culture of death

Source German judge Lothar Kreyssig, who risked everything to oppose the Nazi T4 euthanasia program. January 24, 2011 (Breakpoint.org) - You have probably never heard of Lothar Kreyssig—I hadn’t until recently. Yet, after...

27 January 2011

Testemony of Dr. Abraham Capadose

SourceDr. Abraham Capadose, born at Amsterdam, 1795, of a Portuguese family, died there December 16th, 1874. Here is his autobiography, which he sent to his friend, Ridley Herschell, in London: "I will no longer delay, dear friends, to comply with your request that I would communicate in writing the mode in which it pleased God to bring me to the knowledge of Himself, and to lead me out of darkness into His marvelous light. "Being deeply sensible that it was not of myself I sought after God, but that my compassionate Lord came to seek me when...

Daily Kos: End of Olbermann Show Is End of Democracy, Free Speech Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tim-graham/2011/01/23/daily-kos-end-olberma

The far-left bloggers at Daily Kos were distraught at the abrupt departure of Keith Olbermann. Dagnome quickly dragged in the Citizens United case from the Supreme Court to indicate that corporate power had once again crushed freedom of speech: ...[M]y guess is that this development is one of...MANY that will now take place since the merger...

Post-abortive mothers share stories of grief, redemption on Supreme Court steps

by Kathleen Gilbert Jacquie Stalnaker of Birmingham, Alabama delivers her testimony on the steps of the U.S. Supreme...

26 January 2011

Liberal Media Tries to Pin Jared Loughner to Conservatives

—SPADES-OF: ACE Suppose I want to say "Jared Loughner was inspired by a steady diet of Rush Limbaugh, episodes of Sarah Palin's Alaska, and Tea Party rallies." What is the defect in that? Well, if you're a leftist, it's perfect in every single way: It connects a shooting to your political enemies and gives you an advantage you can't get via your...

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