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31 May 2012

Democrat plant in a Tea Party event

(function(d){ var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement('script'); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); }(document))...

30 May 2012

Obama’s Death Camp Blunder Leaves Poland Outraged

By: Rachel Pulaski On September 1, 1939 Adolf Hitler ordered Germany to invade Poland. Hilter established over 400 death and concentration camps in Poland including Auschwitz where the first gas chamber was installed. Over 6 million Polish citizens including 3 million Polish Jews were killed during WWII. On Tuesday President Obama held a ceremony...

Gallup Poll: Romney Holds Whopping 28-Point Lead Over Obama Among Male Veterans

Source It’s almost like the military isn’t fond of the Commander-in-Chief. Via The Hill: A new Gallup poll released on Memorial Day shows male veterans breaking strongly for Mitt Romney over President Obama. The presumptive GOP nominee receives support from 58 percent of veteran registered voters surveyed to Obama’s 34 percent. Among non-veterans...

29 May 2012

Black man says: "Black people are too ignorant "




28 May 2012

Is Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, a 1978 case rejecting academic racial quotas, the smoking gun behind Obama’s Kenyan identity?

Source Barack Obama has kept carefully hidden all of his college records. Many of us have assumed that this secrecy is because those papers show that he took nothing but Leftist Mickey Mouse classes and ended up with lousy grades. Now that we know that Obama marketed himself to publishers as a Kenyan, though, we’re beginning to suspect that the...

27 May 2012

Just How Smart Is Obama?

SourceOver at Real Clear Politics, Jack Kelly has a long piece which says that Obama is more like a 40 watt CFL in a sea of 100 watt incandescent Barack Obama is the smartest man with the highest IQ ever to be elected to the presidency, historian Michael Beschloss told radio talk show host Don Imus in November of 2008. “So what is his IQ?” Mr. Imus asked. Mr. Beschloss didn’t know. He was just assuming. Many shared that assumption. Adjectives frequently applied to Mr. Obama are “smart” (278 million hits on Google), “intelligent” (62 million)...

Obama is not smart

OriginalJack Kelly, the well-known columnist who writes for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and The Blade of Toledo, Ohio, has taken on the claim that Barack Obama is the smartest president ever. Those of us at the Bookworm Room have always derided this contention, which is built on fairy dust and unicorn horns. I was reading through Kelly’s column, nodding my head in approval at every point he scored: Barack Obama is the smartest man with the highest IQ ever to be elected to the presidency, historian Michael Beschloss told radio talk show host...

26 May 2012

Fox News viewers least infformed?

Another ridiculous poll says Fox viewers are the dumbest, but Glenn set out on radio this morning to prove otherwise. The study, conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University, found that NPR listeners were the most informed while FOX News viewers were at the bottom, even falling behind people who claim to not watch any news programming. The participants...

Occupy Wall Street: Does anyone care about the anti-Semitism?

By Jennifer Rubin In the millions of pixels devoted to the radical Occupy Wall Streeters, virtually nothing has been said about its anti-Semitic elements. The conservative Emergency Committee for Israel is out with an eye-popping ad: Those vile scenes have been noticed in Israel as well. Israel Today observes: A growing number...

OWS supporters are doing a poor job of convincing me that they’re not anti-Semites

In a Wednesday appearance on the Russia Today television network, I discussed the violent confrontations between police officers and Occupy Wall Street protesters earlier this week in Oakland, California. I made it clear that I don’t condone police brutality. In fact, I am vehemently opposed to an oppressive police state. I also explained that though I disagree with the protesters’ radical agenda, I agree that cronyism is a real problem. Government should not be in the business of picking winners and losers on Wall Street, Main Street or...

Gallup Poll: More Than Twice As Many Americans Consider Themselves Conservative On Economic Issues As Those Who Say They’re Liberal…

Source Via Politico: There are more than twice as many Americans who consider themselves conservative on economic issues as opposed to liberal, according to a new Gallup Poll Friday. Almost half of those surveyed, 46 percent, said their views about the economy are conservative, while just 20 percent said they were liberal. About a third,...

For Some Unknown Reason George Soros "sympathizes" Ocuppy Wall Street Movement

The fact that they are doing his bidding has nothing to do with it...

25 May 2012

Can you increase your sex appeal by changing the position of your chin?

Source Girls, chin down. Guys, chin up. Human faces show marked sexual shape dimorphism, and this affects their attractiveness. Humans also show marked height dimorphism, which means that men typically view womens faces from slightly above and women typically view mens faces from slightly below. We tested the idea that this perspective difference...

Seven Reasons Barack Obama is not a Christian

Source There is a spiritual emergency in America.Barack Obama is in the process of trying to recreate the Christian faith in his own, very liberal and unorthodox image.Built on a foundation of radical Black Liberation Theology, theological liberalism and post-modernism, Obama is undermining historic,...

OWS Walking Past Soros’ House To Protest Outside Murdoch’s Apartment

On Wednesday’s The Factor, Bill O’Reilly brought on author and columnist Ann Coulter to discuss Barack Obama being in “full campaign mode.”As you know, Obama visited Jay Leno where he talked about, among other things, the end of the Iraq War and Occupy Wall Street.Coulter shared that she finds Obama’s mannerisms “increasingly grating.” O’Reilly noted that a recent poll organized by Fox News found that 48 percent of respondents would be “distraught” if Obama were re-elected (Less people, O’Reilly joked, than would totally freak out were Coulter...

Florida Poll: Romney 47, Failed President 41

SourceThe hits just keep on coming for Dear Leader. He’s lost the War on Women, he can’t even crack 60% running against undecided or unknowns in Arkansas and Kentucky and now he’s fading fast in the key swing state of Florida. A new poll shows likely GOP nominee Mitt Romney moving ahead in the crucial swing state of Florida to take a six-point lead over President Obama. Romney holds a 47 to 41 percent lead among registered voters, according to the latest Quinnipiac University poll. Romney trailed Obama by 7 points in the same poll taken in...

Occupy Wall Street Racism

Sources:Frontpage MagazineDaily Calle...

Obama attended socialist event


Leftist SPLC Names New Black Panther Malik Zulu Shabazz To Its List of Right-Wing Radicals…

30 New Activists Heading Up the Radical Right The last decade has seen major changes in the American radical right. What was once a world largely dominated by a few relatively well-organized groups has become a scene populated by large numbers of smaller, weaker groups, with only a handful led by the kind of charismatic chieftains that characterized...

24 May 2012

Israel expels illegal immigrants

Source It should be fascinating to see how the "conservative" Jewish columnists who have long advocated open borders in America react to this immigration-related news out of Israel: Illegal infiltrators threaten Israel’s character as a Jewish and democratic country, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said at the beginning of the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday. Calling the issue “very grave” and a threat to the “social fabric,” Netanyahu said, “If we do not stop the entry, the problem, there are now...

What are the first words you should say in a negotiation?

Source Something very similar to what the guy on the other side of the table just said: We hypothesized that in online, virtual formats, negotiators receive better outcomes when mimicking their counterpart's language; furthermore, we predicted that this strategy would be more effective when occurring early in the negotiation rather than at the end,...

Jon Stewart Way Back in 2000: 'I'm a Socialist' and No One Would Think I'm 'Far Right'


23 May 2012

Student Tebowed at Graduation, Diploma Withheld by Mother

By Daniel Distant A teen Tebowing during his graduation ceremony Saturday caused his diploma to be withheld by Florida school officials, who didn't want the high school senior's actions to be an "inspiration" for other antics.Chuck Shriner, 17, of Bishop Verot's Catholic school, was bet $5 by his friends that he wouldn't go on stage and imitate the popular pose of the New York Jets' Christian quarterback. They underestimated him; he Tebowed on stage- dropping to one knee to pray- while parents and students erupted in laughter."I just thought...

What's Princeton concealing for Michelle Obama?

SourceWhichever, there's little doubt that the void in Michelle left by a lack of pride in America and gratitude for affirmative action was filled by suspicion of whites not nearly as justified as her faith in the black bloc vote going to a young black man instead of a much more mature and experienced white woman whose ex-President husband had been called America's first black President by Maya Angelou, a black female icon of the civil rights movement. Princeton University made the former Michelle Robinson's senior sociology thesis, titled...

Is US President Barack Obama a Christian?

Source You asked Satan. In fact, everyone wants to know. Two news articles recently raised the question, and, in fact, answered it. First was an AP article entitled, “Obama makes rare trip to church while in Hawaii,” and, second, a Politics Daily article entitled, “Obama Tries to Reassert His Christian Bona Fides, With Words and Deeds.” Hmmmm....

22 May 2012

Good News For Romney: Team Obama Is Panicking

SourceIt's easy to tell when Democrats are in full-panic mode. They just use more extreme rhetoric. Take the latest line of attack against Bain Capital, for instance. Rather than recognizing that the anti-Bain strategy has been a failure, they just double-down on it and then make even more ridculous statements about the subject rather than cutting their losses. Which leads us to James Clyburn. Appearing on Jansing & Co. this morning, Mr. Clyburn characterized Romney's work at Bain Captial as "raping companies". And that's how you know...

Obama's misterious past

Source  Barack Hussein Obama - International Man of Mystery What - you expected to know as much about the life of our current president, Barack Obama, as you do about the lives of Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, Joe the Plumber and now George Zimmerman?!? Well the media has a term for that... And oh yeah: Barack Obama's biographical...

20 May 2012

Young Feminists: Strong, Confident, & Single — Dating Distresses of a Young Feminist

SourceBy Christina Cherel They say good men are hard to find and that sailing through the dating waters can be rough. I’ve found that, for an outspoken, pro-choice feminist woman in her early twenties, the pool of eligible bachelors is even shallower. I have publicly self-identified as a feminist for about five years now. Even before my official declaration, dating was difficult — to say the least. I never purposefully attempted to emasculate prospective partners but, for some reason unknown to me, my opinions on legal abortion, access to...

North Carolina Teacher Yells At Student For Criticizing Obama…Says It’s A “Criminal Offense”

Via GW...

18 May 2012

Obama's literary agent says he was 'born in Kenya'. How did the mainstream media miss this?

Conservatives claim that Obama manipulated his Kenyan roots to gain attention Whatever you think of Breitbart.com’s punishing vetting process, it has exposed just how little work the mainstream media did in investigating candidate Obama back in 2008. Not all of Team Breitbart’s revelations have been election-deciders, but they have often been...

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