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02 September 2013

Sweden – A raped country

Today’s text is a translation (by Utlandssvensk – a Swede in exile) of a column written by a renowned Swedish journalist. This journalist has been writing one column a week on the Danish website Snaphanen since after the Swedish election in September 2010. She has to write under the pseudonym of Julia Caesar (the late actress in the mid 20th century) in order not to be harassed by Sweden’s “do-gooders”, journalists, politicians and in particular AFA/Antifa.
Four other columns have already been translated into English and published here.
Sweden – A raped country
A beautiful summer is coming to an end. But it was not beautiful for everybody. During this summer, the number of reported rapes has increased with 25% compared to the same period last year.
According to BRA (a government agency supposedly tasked with preventing crimes) a total of 1091 rapes were reported during June and July. Rape of children under the age of 15 has increased with 53%, from 192 cases last year to 294 this year, again only for June and July. In total, sexual crimes increased by 18% compared to the same period last year. BRA believes that the reason for all of this is the beautiful summer weather:
One explanation for this increase may be partly due to the nice weather this summer,” according to Sven Granath, investigator at BRA.
Those are the words of a civil servant that has become totally politically correct. I pray for his soul. He works at a government agency that is fully funded by taxpayers and considers that his mission is to hide the truth and administer tranquilizers to both the general population and the ruling government. In a dictatorship, BRA would be called The Board for making non desirable facts invisible. But what is really the difference? Sweden is approaching the condition that is a typical for a dictatorship, i.e. government agencies that hide the truth from common citizens and a media that is loyal to the government and considers the promotion of state sponsored lies to be its mission.
The truth has a price

Perhaps Mr. Granath is afraid of losing his job, which would be understandable. Maybe he is pondering the fate that befell Mr. Mauricio Rojas, spokesman for the liberal party regarding immigration, after he published an article in the DN (a major daily newspaper) that highlighted the underlying cultural reasons for the massive overrepresentation of immigrants among criminals.
Mr. Rojas was made persona non grata in politics and was subjected to slander, intimidation and threats and came to require 24 hour bodyguard protection. Originally, he arrived in Sweden 1974 as a political refugee from Chile, but in 2008 he was forced to flee since he had, once again, become an irritation for a totalitarian regime. He moved to Spain and is today the headmaster of the Madrid School of Integration.
Truth has a price. The practice of killing the messenger when he brings unwanted news is as old as mankind itself. Perhaps it is the recollection of Mr. Rojas fate that has made Mr. Granath sell his soul on the marketplace of lies and hidden truths. Let us hope that the reward he receives amply compensates for the truths that he has sacrificed.
An “impartial” civil servant

Let us also say a small prayer for Mr. Granath’s co-worker, Mrs. Klara Hradilova-Selin, who serves as an“impartial” expert on rape at BRA and is also a confessed member of the Facebook group “Social Democrats in parliament – No thanks”.
Sorry, that should of course be “Sweden Democrats in parliament – No thanks”. In Sweden, such publicly stated private views are not considered to be a problem for somebody that claims to be politically impartial.
Why are persons with foreign backgrounds regarded as impartial when it comes to issues regarding immigration? Increasingly, they are marching as frontline soldiers fighting for multiculture at all levels of society. Nobody dares to argue against them, since you would then be labeled as “hostile to strangers”. Is there anybody that believes that Mrs. Hradilova-Selin’s immigrant background does not affect her and causes scientific bias when it comes to questions about the statistical overrepresentation of immigrants as perpetrators of crime? Mrs. Hradilova-Selin delivered an excellent example of the fine art of truth bending when she was interviewed on SVT Rapport (state broadcaster news show).
We are informed that female rape victims simply are prejudiced (implicitly racist) when they claim that the perpetrator has dark hair. People that are subjected to serious crimes remember events wrongly and are controlled by preconceived notions. Women that get their lives and genitals thrashed by Ahmed from Iraq or Mustafa from Somalia must be made to realize that their recollection is flawed. In actual fact, it was the light blonde Kalle (typical Swedish name) that committed the heinous crime. Hallelujah! What an enormous comfort for a woman that had been subjected to the worst possible form of degradation.

Thank you, BRA! Thank you, Mr.Granath and Mrs. Klara Hradilova-Selin. You are doing your job as useful idiots exactly as expected and you will surely receive a medal for long and faithful service to the public lies.
Immigrants overrepresented by 450 percent

What Mrs. Hradilova-Selin is saying is remarkable, since it contradicts BRA’s own research. Two major reports, “Crime among first and second generation immigrants, 1996:2” and “Crime among persons born in Sweden and abroad, 2005:17”, show that immigrants are heavily overrepresented among criminals. These are facts. In general, they are overrepresented by a bit more that 100 percent. But when it comes to more serious crimes, such as murder, manslaughter and assault on strangers, immigrants are overrepresented by 400 – 500 percent. For rape the number is 450 percent.
The person responsible for the two BRA reports, Director Jan Ahlberg, died in 2005 and the moral courage of BRA died with him. Beyond the grave, Mr. Ahlberg can no longer defend himself and the coast is clear for his unscrupulous colleagues to dance on his grave and pretend that his research does not exist. Mrs. Hradilova-Selin does not need to have any fear for repercussions, since the fact that she is both a woman and an immigrant gives her colleagues double reasons to treat her with silk gloves.
Perpetrators from Muslim countries

Immigrants are, of course, not a uniform group and the vast majority of immigrants are committing no crimes at all, while others do it to a very large extent. The largest overrepresentation in crime is displayed by immigrants from Muslim countries like Algeria, Iraq, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia as well as from Chile. The lowest numbers of crimes are committed by immigrants from Western Europe, Southeast Asia, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
Since BRA issued its first report in 1996, Sweden has granted permanent residence to more than 700.000 immigrants. In particular, immigration from Muslim countries increased dramatically. With astounding bad judgment and naiveté, both conservative and social democratic governments since the early 70′s have kept the Swedish borders wide open for all sorts of unidentified adventurers, war criminals and other offenders.

Since 96 percent lack identification documents, it is in almost all cases people of unknown identity that are allowed into the country and then granted permanent residency.
Somalis – the largest group of immigrants admitted into Sweden, with an increase of 70 percent since last year – and Iraqis are climbing quickly up the rape scoreboard. But we will never know the truth. Apart from the reports 1996 and 2005, BRA suspended reporting the ethnicity of criminals in their statistics 1994. Such facts are not desirable, no matter how true they are.
Sweden has the second highest rate of rape in the world

Serious crime is increasing to an extent that should keep the government and parliament sleepless at night. Crime is increasing beyond all control. Sweden is a raped and violence-torn country located at the top of international comparisons. According to a report by the UN agency UNDC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) recently, Sweden is at number 2 in the UN statistics with 53.2 reported rapes per 100 000 inhabitants. Only Lesotho, a small country in south Africa, has more reported rapes than Sweden. The league table looks like this:
1. Lesotho: 91.6
2. Sweden: 53.2
3. USA: 28.6
4. Zimbabwe: 25.6
5. Norway: 19.8
6. Israel: 17.6
Despite the high Swedish number, there are far more cases that go unreported.
The problem is that hardly any crime has such a proportion of unreported cases as rape. In Sweden, about 80-90 percent of rapes never become known to society. The reluctance to report is partly due to the fact that rape is a crime that is surrounded by shame,” according to Professor Niklas Långström, sex crime researcher at the Karolinska Institute.
Feelings of shame in the victim, that is. That the perpetrators feel shame is likely to be more rare. The Aftonbladet (major daily tabloid) reports the news like this. We can note that the Aftonbladet are demonstrating a highly creative renewal of the art of making headlines “Sweden at the bottom of rape statistics.” At the bottom?? When the article is about the fact that Sweden tops the list with the second highest rape numbers in the world.
Last year, an EU report showed that Sweden has the highest number of reported rapes in the EU. 5937 rapes were reported to the police in 2009. That is up 9 percent from 2008. But statistics on serious crimes should be viewed over the longer term. Since the new millennium, reported rapes have increased by 193 percent. 1975 was the year in which a unanimous Parliament decided that Sweden should be transformed into a multicultural society. One result is an increase in reported rapes since 1975 with an incredible 673 percent. (Graphic: Affe)

Reported rapes (gross rape included) / Increase = 673%
Nothing wrong with raping a Swedish girl

Socioeconomic factors are a popular explanation for immigrants being overrepresented in crime. That is, if you are unemployed, poor and live in an ugly concrete tower in the suburbs, it is entirely in order to rape, mug, assault and murder. But already in the BRA report from 1996 it was said:
Immigrants’ overrepresentation in crime is not explained by an unfavorable distribution of gender, age and location. Added to this is the fact that immigrant overrepresentation in crime cannot be explained by the fact that immigrants are less fortunate than Swedes in terms of socioeconomic status.”
The approach of many Muslim men is that there is nothing wrong in raping Swedish girls and women. In their culture, the man has every right to dispose of the woman as he sees fit. Some young men that were interviewed by the daily DN in response to a gang rape in Rissne outside of Stockholm put it like this:
It’s not as wrong to rape a Swedish girl as it is to rape an Arab girl, says Hamid. The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably been fucked already. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family. For her it is a great shame to be raped. It is important that she retains her virginity when she marries.
It’s far too easy to get a whore … girl, I mean,” says Hamid, and displays an embarrassed smile due to his choice of words. Many immigrant boys go with Swedish girls when they are teenagers. But then when they are to marry, they take a proper woman from their own culture that has not been with any guy. So will I do. I do not have much respect for Swedish girls. You could say that they get fucked until they are broken. “(th DN 11 February 2000).
Rape is a hate crime

Rape and gang rapes are hate crimes committed by men. They are a demonstration of male power and hatred. When immigrants commit rape, it is in most cases a racist hate crime specifically aimed at Swedish girls and women.

The rapes expose deep divisions within the immigrant male psyche. Muslim men with a prehistoric view of women and sexuality living in Western societies suffer a culture shock that apparently can cause a total short-circuit in the brain. Nordic women are independent and have the same value as men.

We dress and do as we like. The power, status and superiority that men enjoy in most of the migrants’ home countries, cannot be collected here. Rape is an expression of frustration and aggression that this arouses in some Muslim men. The women in the new home country are not under his control. Therefore, we are regarded as “whores”, which according to these men’s way of looking at things legitimizes their abuse of us.
But it’s not just the Swedish girls and women who are raped. Immigrant girls are also vulnerable, and for them a rape could mean death. In a culture of honor, it is the woman’s fault if she is raped. She is considered to have attracted the offender, and all the guilt and shame are put upon her. She risks death penalty because she has destroyed the family’s so-called “honor”.

 If a woman would not be a virgin when she marries, it will be disastrous for her and her entire family and relatives. The man has the right to displace her and dissolve the marriage. The whole family’s honor is ruined, and the marriage value of her sisters and female cousins falls drastically. Honor can only be restored by her death.
Cell phone blackmail

The death threat against a woman is present even if she has been raped. In the study that was done last year by the City of Stockholm (Mrs. Kickis Åhré-Älgamo and Mrs.Ulla-Britt Fingal: “Honor related oppression and violence in the City of Stockholm. Report 2009″, University of Stockholm, Department of Social Work) 14 girls over the age of 17 years stated that they had been raped. Only two had filed a police report – twelve had not dared because of the requirement that they should be virgins, which applies in all circumstances. In this group there are also cases of rectal rape as an adaptation to the culture of honor demands that woman should be a virgin.
This placing of guilt has the effect that the crimes are not reported to the police and the perpetrators go free. The perpetrators – in most cases from the same country as the girls – can film the rape with a camera phone and use the images in order to blackmail by threatening to put them on the Internet or show them to the girl’s family. If a woman reveals what she has suffered, she will have signed her own death sentence
Goodbye to safety for women

What is happening to girls and women in Sweden today is that we are gradually forced to restrict our freedom of movement for fear of being raped or subjected to other violence. Safety for women no longer exists.
• You do not go out alone at night.
• You do not take your bike through a dark area.
• You do not take a bus or train home on a Saturday night. You take a taxi.
• You do not take the shortcut through the forest.
This is the dictatorship of fear and lack of freedom. What is happening in today’s Sweden is an extreme anti feminine policy of absolutely intolerable violence and oppression, specifically directed against half of the citizens. The freedom and rights that it has taken Swedish women a century to achieve have been sold out by parliament and the government. If we start from BRA’s estimate that only 5-10 percent of committed rapes are reported to the police, there are 30.000-60.000 girls and women who are raped each year. Swedish politicians thus annually offer 30.000-60.000 women as sacrificial lamb on the bloody altar of multiculturalism. They obviously think that multiculturalism is worth it. What the victims think, nobody cares to ask.
The dirty crimes – A story from a police officer

It’s not just in the rape statistics that Sweden shows horrific numbers. Assault offenses have increased by 45 percent since the turn of the millennium. The total number of reported violent crimes has in the same period increased by 47 percent. If we begin in 1975, the starting year for multiculturalism, the total number of reported violent crimes has increased by a staggering 312 percent.
A rapidly growing category is mugging. In 2009, 6730 robberies were committed against individuals. The increase from 1975 is 234 percent, but is probably much higher, since muggings are sometimes classified in other ways. Behind the neutral word “mugging” hides a terrible reality that leaves the victims with severe traumas.

A very largely proportion of the victims are defenseless children, adolescents or elderly persons. A police officer who writes anonymously on the former Swedish blog Politically Incorrect (today replaced by avpixlat.info) talks about what he calls “the dirty crimes”:
Several times a week I go home to our elderly and weak that have fallen victim of dirty crime (where someone intrudes into the apartment and deceive/abuse the old person until they get all the valuables) and ask for a descriptions of the perpetrator that committed this terrible abuse. Each time the offender is described as an immigrant from a particular ethnic group. Not once during my entire police career have I had the offenders being described as Swedes. 

The same applies to the thousands of muggings in which our children and weak are threatened and robbed on the streets. 95 percent of the hundreds of offenders that have been described to me have been identified by the victim as an immigrant. 

These crimes are characterized by a complete lack of respect for human life. I sit in front of an old person with fear in his eyes after having been attacked in his own home – the only safe place that they had left. Full of bruises and testifying about the knife threats they have just endured, and the humiliation they felt when they could not protect themselves.”
A crime wave against the elderly

A wave of crime against the elderly is sweeping through Sweden. Often they happen in a similar way. Two or three women of foreign origin follow the old ones from the bank or store. They follow through the gate and sees where the old person goes in. A moment later they ring the doorbell and ask for a glass of water, help to write a note to someone in the house or some other made-up task. While one of the women occupy the old person, the other walks around the apartment, picking up their cash and valuables. In western Sweden, 15 robberies of elderly persons occurred just last week.
Most indications point to that the crimes are committed by the same constellation of criminals,” said Detective Inspector Ulf Christensen, who works with this type of crime in West Götaland. In plain language, Roma, but a police officer cannot say this if he wants to keep his job.
We are at war with the Swedes

The same crudity applies to robberies directed against adolescents. Ms. Petra Åkesson has in her thesis in sociology interviewed boys between 15 and 17 years convicted of mugging. She wanted to explore the reality behind the wave of muggings that has affected Malmö. The young robbers did not show any remorse or understanding that they had done something wrong. On the contrary – they bragged about who had robbed the most.
When we’re out robbing, we wage war, we are at war with the Swedes” was a recurring argument. The boys from one school told me smiling that “there comes a great feeling through my body when we rob, you feel satisfied and happy, it feels like one has succeeded.”
To rob Swedish children and adolescents is a deliberate choice. It’s about exercising power: “For me it is power that the Swedes should lie down on the ground and kiss my feet.” “It’s so easy to mug Swedes,” says one of the boys. “When we see some Swedes that seem rich or have good phones, we mug them. The Swedes do not do anything, they just give us the stuff, they’re such wimps.”
Increasing insecurity

Who is surprised that insecurity is increasing? It is one of the multicultural society’s logical consequences. According to the 2009 Citizen poll among 4200 residents in the City of Stockholm, 72 percent of the residents of Rinkeby-Kista is so insecure in their neighborhood that they refrain from going out after darkness. In Spånga-Tensta the corresponding number is 66 percent, in Hässelby-Vällingby 63 percent, in Farsta 59 percent. In Skärholmen 71 percent do not dare go out after darkness. The fear of assault and other violent crimes is high. The most insecurity and worry is found in the immigrant-dense areas.
Let us give thanks to our politicians in all seven political parties for the fact that we live in an increasingly violent and insecure reality, since there is such an overwhelming consensus on the conduct of immigration policy that they refuse to even discuss it. Each one of us who lives in Sweden should realistically count on being robbed, beaten or subjected to other violence. In particular, a woman should not expect to be able to move freely outside, if she does not want to risk being raped. Especially if the weather is nice.
Did the politicians ever ponder the consequences before they pushed through multiculturalism and mass immigration? Did they ever think about an expected mass importation of crime? I allow myself to doubt, on two grounds: authentic observations of politician’s brain power in general, and the observation that they have moved themselves to safety in their white ethnic enclaves.
Not a single politician wants to halt the progression

Neither of the two political blocs seems to regard the rapes and other violent crimes against Swedes as a problem. In any case, there are no hints of any attempt at political actions to stop the growing and increasingly brutal violence. Hitherto NOT ONE politician in the seven parliamentary parties has stood up and said: “This development is unacceptable. We must by all means try to stop it.” Not one! They regard it as below their dignity to even discuss the issue. This is since they know that if they deal with crime, they must also deal with the irresponsible immigration policies. And that is a sacred cow that must not be slaughtered. Security for the population is apparently nothing that concerns them. The rape epidemic and the other crime are a non-issue and certainly not a topic for the election. But is there any question that is more important than people’s safety and security?
When I met Justice Minister Beatrice Ask for an interview in March, I asked her if she was concerned about the overrepresentation of immigrants in BRA’s statistics. She replied that she is not. The problem is the crime itself, not the perpetrators descent.” (Ms. Paulina Neuding, in the Swedish newspaper the Svenska Dagbladet, April 11, 2010.)
The same Ms. Neuding writes in the liberal magazine Neo:
Research shows that sexual and gender inequality is related. And with large immigration from countries where women have a very weak position you should probably count on the effect on sex crimes statistics.” (Magazine Neo No. 2 of 2010.)
Politicians who treat their people as garbage and are not even able to provide protection to the weak and vulnerable – women, children and old people – what confidence do they deserve? The election results will show.
Written by Julia Caesar, 15 August, 2010.

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