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31 December 2010

Neanderthals cooked and ate plants and vegetables

When will evolutionists finally realize that there were no "primitive men"? Hunter, gatherer, vegetarian masterchef? Neanderthals cooked and ate plants and vegetables, a new study of Neanderthal remains reveals. Researchers in the US have found grains of cooked plant material in their...

Study: Couples who delay having sex get benefits later

So does either method lead to better marriages? A new study in the American Psychological Association's Journal of Family Psychology sides with a delayed approach. The study involves 2,035 married individuals who participated in a popular online marital assessment called "RELATE." From the assessment's database, researchers selected a sample designed to match the demographics of the married American population. The extensive questionnaire includes the question "When did you become sexual in this relationship?" A statistical analysis showed the...

How to improve Muslim PR?

Well they couldQuit exterminating Bangladesh's Hindus and apologise for the 40,000,000 Hindus 'missing' from their census, ditto with Pakistan's Hindus and Christians, ditto with Christians and Jews in every Middle Eastern country where they still remainQuit exterminating Sudan's blacksFree the chattel slaves in Mauritania and NigerQuit raping Scandinavian women at rates comparable only to sub-Saharan warzonesApologise for the general epidemic of rape, crime and welfare parasitism they're responsible in all civilized nations fool enough to let...

Poll: Most Americans Won’t Party or Go Out on New Year’s Eve, But They Will Say a Prayer

Wednesday, December 29, 2010 By Edwin Mora Mary Magadalene praying. (Wikipedia Commons) (CNSNews.com) -- A new Rasmussen Report poll shows that while most Americans are not planning to attend a party or go out to dinner on New Year’s Eve, a strong majority, 66 percent, say they will say a prayer before midnight that day. The percentage of...

28 December 2010

Very Religious Americans Lead Healthier Lives

Source Relationship holds when controlling for key demographics by Frank Newport, Sangeeta Agrawal, and Dan Witters This is the third article in a special multipart series on religiosity and wellbeing in America. The first article explored the relationship between religiosity and wellbeing across the...

The Soviet Story - Why killing is essential to communism


27 December 2010

Feminist Naomi Wolf Complaints That Porn Makes Average Women Less Apealing

SourceThe Porn Myth In the end, porn doesn't whet men's appetites—it turns them off the real thing. By Naomi Wolf At a benefit the other night, I saw Andrea Dworkin, the anti-porn activist most famous in the eighties for her conviction that opening the floodgates of pornography would lead men to see real women in sexually debased ways. If we did not limit pornography, she argued—before Internet technology made that prospect a technical impossibility—most men would come to objectify women as...

26 December 2010

The Pink Swastika

SourceWelcome to The Pink Swastika 5th (Internet) Edition. It has been several years since we published the fourth edition of this book. In that time we have accumulated a substantial amount of new documentation supporting our thesis that the Nazi Party was conceived, organized and controlled throughout its short history by masculine-oriented male...

Prayer Relieves Mind in Many Ways, Study Finds

SourceGetting on your knees and looking to the heavens may really bring comfort during tough times, new research finds. This will come as no surprise to many Americans, as 75 percent say they pray on a weekly basis in order to manage hard situations, including illness, and emotions such as sadness and anger, according to the study researcher citing Pew Research Center data. And most Americans also think God is involved in their everyday lives and concerned with their personal well-being. The new study aimed to find...

Eric Clapton, In the Presence of the Lord

SourceThe bluesman has been haunted by God through his early years, his born-again period, and his recovery. John PowellIf testimony and evidence mean anything, Eric Clapton is in a good place. In February, he earned his 19th Grammy (for The Road to Escondido) and reunited with Blind Faith bandmate Steve Winwood for three widely acclaimed concerts at Madison Square Garden. The North Korean government invited Clapton to become the first rock musician to play the last bastion of true Communism; he has yet to decide whether to accept the invitation....

Chris Matthews Mocks Republicans Who Believe In Creation, Leaves Out 1/3 of Dems, Independents Believe Same

Source.By Ken Shepherd A new Gallup poll is out showing that 40 percent of Americans believe that "God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so" while 38 percent believe "God guided [the] process" of evolution and only 16 percent believe evolution happened without...

25 December 2010

Apollo 8 Christmas


Deborah Schlussel and Christian America

SourceBy Debbie SchlusselTo all of my Christian Readers & Friends, I wish you a very joyous and merry Christmas, full of family, good food, and fun. Enjoy your holiday.Even though I believe very strongly in my own religion, I am thankful that, for now, America’s strong Christian tradition remains because it means that I will be able to practice...

Zeitgeist refuted em 7 minuts


God vs. Prozac : Prominent scientists show the efficacy of trust in God to treat anxiety.

http://www.aish.com/sp/pg/48964651.html God vs. Prozac by Sara Yoheved Rigler Prominent scientists show the efficacy of trust in God to treat anxiety. David Rosmarin was a sophomore in college in 1999 when he began to feel anxious. His nervousness -- about academic stresses and social woes...

24 December 2010

"I am an atheist. Debate me!"

The bottom part says: "Atheist. The wiseguy of the local neighbourhood...



Upcoming NFL star left the NFL for the Lord Jesus

OriginalI find this story very inspiring. Here is a young man of 23 who walked away not only from a promising career with the 49ers, but the lavish lifestyle that the NFL offers because he knew that it wasn’t what God wanted for him. And while it took him a bit of time to get to that very point, he left it all behind for Jesus. What an amazing story!I hope you are inspired by this as I am to find out and do what God has for you. Like Glen Coffee, God likely has a future for us that may be different than the one we are living now...

Liberals care more for the foreskin than for the whole body

SourceThe people of San Francisco may vote on a ballot measure that would outlaw circumcision.Supporters of the bill say the decision to permanently remove a boy’s foreskin should not be made by parents.The Huffington Post reported: San Francisco residents may vote on a ballot measure next year that would outlaw circumcision. The initiative, which requires 7,000 signatures before it can be added to next November’s ballot, would make it a misdemeanor to “circumcise, excise, cut or mutilate the…genitals” of all minors, and would not make exceptions...

Enrique Inglesias Releases New Christmas Single: "Tonight (I'm F***ing you)"

Because nothing symbolizes better the spirit of the season than vulgarity.By Ace.Enrique Inglesias Releases New Christmas Single: "Tonight (I'm F***ing you)"I like the parentheses. It makes it classy. The song is just plain awful, but it's the first intended "mainstream commercial" song with the f-word (in its literal sense) in the title. I sort of thought this was going to happen, inevitably, once Cee-Lo demonstrated that one could get a major, major mainstream hit with the F word right in the title and the main chorus. (Big difference:...

Safest Restaurant in the World

From Moonbatter...

23 December 2010

Barney Frank: Straight Soldiers Must Shower With Gays, But Not Women With Men

Homosexual Barney Frank says that heterosexual men cannot refuse to take a shower with sodomites. Somehow that would be descrimination or something....(CNSNews.com) - Rep. Barney Frank (D.-Mass.) says he agrees with the recommendation of a Department of Defense (DOD) working group that straight and gay military personnel of the same gender should be required to shower together when the repeal of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” law goes into effect. Frank, however, said Armed Forces personnel of opposite sexes should not shower together. “What do you...

Ann Coulter: Conservatives are more generous then liberals

SCROOGE WAS A LIBERALDecember 22, 2010 It's the Christmas season, so godless liberals are citing the Bible to demand the redistribution of income by government force. Didn't Jesus say, "Blessed are the Health and Human Services bureaucrats, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven"? Liberals are always indignantly accusing conservatives of claiming...

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