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01 November 2011

Norwegian mass murderer, Breivik get piles of love letters


Women from all over the world are sending love letters to the Norwegian man who killed hundred of people recently in Norway.

Women from all over the world are trying to get in contact with terrorist master, Anders Behring Breivik, who killed more than 70 people in cold blood in Norway, recently via written contacts, but the Norwegian authorities are not allowing him to read the many letters.

The Norwegian newspaper, VG writes that many of the letters have different characteristics. From Christians who intended to heal the 32-year-old mass murderer, to women who want to take a parent role or those who declare their love for him, finding his action on the 22 July, where 76 people were killed, a point of attraction.

Besides the nice love letters to him, several people also sent many threats and hate mails to Breivik. But whatever the messages of the letters, Breivik will not have access to a significant amounts of them, according to VG. Breivik is also serving a postal and visiting ban.

The prison chaplain at Hamar and Ilseng-prisons, where he is held, Kjell Arnold Nyhus is not surprised by the great interest in Breivik.

My experience after having worked a few years behind bars is that this was expected to happen. I am neither shocked nor surprised. There are so many special people in the community who are on the brink of insanity, who can think of doing something like this,” says Nyhus.

What surprises him is the lack of symmetry between the writers and the criminal. Many of these women have neither a background in substance abuse or crime, but still fall for chronic criminal persons.

Neither the warden of Ila prison and detention centers, Knut Bjarkeid or police lawyer Pål-Fredrik Hjort Kraby want to comment on the matter. Breivik Geir Lippestad defender says he is not aware if the mails can be sent to his client.

Currently, there is little or no research in the field to determine the reason for such behaviour. “This is nothing new. They are some women who are attracted to criminals who have done extreme things, like rape and murder. In this case, it was probably something about his appearance as well. What makes these men of extremes attractive to women is not know”, says psychologist Thore Langfeldt to VG.

By Scancomark.se Team

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