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31 October 2011

Let's celebrate Hamas' culture

Source: Elder of Zyon. (function(d){ var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement('script'); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); }(document))...

The Victims of Greenpeace Exposed


Moment huge beast tried to play pat-a-cake with a toddler

These breathtaking photographs capture the remarkable moments when a tiger bowed its head and placed a paw up to the hand of a small girl.Photographer Dyrk Daniels noticed the 370lb Golden Bengal Tiger had taken an interest in the child, who was leaning against his glass enclosure.As the tiger, called Taj, headed over to her, Mr Daniels got his...

What happened to the global warming craze?

Source Global Warming — RIP. Por Victor Davis Hanson. Corruption within the climate-change industry explains some of the sudden turnoff. “Climategate” — the unauthorized 2009 release of private emails from the Climatic Research Unit in the United Kingdom — revealed that many of the world’s top climate scientists were knee-deep in manipulating scientific evidence to support preconceived conclusions and personal agendas. Shrill warnings about everything from melting Himalayan glaciers to shrinking polar bear populations turned out not...

30 October 2011

Emotional Hippies - Crying Over Dead Trees parody


Ebonics lesson


Is Obama free of scandal?

According to Jonathan Alter for Bloomberg News, yes:President Barack Obama goes into the 2012 with a weak economy that may doom his reelection. But he has one asset that hasn’t received much attention: He’s honest.Yeah, when I think of "honest presidents", Barack Hussein Obama is the name that jumps to my mind right away....... or something.But good old Jonnie knows he has feet of glass because he is quick to add:Although it’s possible that the Solyndra LLC story will become a classic feeding frenzy, don’t bet on it. Providing $535 million in loan...

Compare and contrast: Tea Party vs Flea Party

SourceFrom today in Denver. Police forced to raise their weapons as protesters from Occupy Denver go on a rampage.Police raise weapons while making an arrest during the Occupy Denver protest in Denver, CO, Saturday, October 29, 2011. Occupy Denver protesters and law enforcement officers faced off on the steps of the state Capitol and Civic Center...

What would their reaction be if the cause wasn't so cool?

Media Practices “Gun Control” When #OWS Involved....

Everyone demands what they think it's fair.

The working class asks to keep more of their own money.Leftists ask to dive into other people's pockets so that they can go on not investing in their own future.You make the choice...

29 October 2011


Actually, this is the same old, same old, yadda, yadda. Hatred seems to fill islamic hearts...

Richard Dawkins - Apostasy in Islam


"I am an ex-feminist"

When I tell people I’m an ex-feminist, I get a strange array of responses. Some people look shocked and offended, as if I had declared myself among those who doubt that the world is round. Others get a look of joy upon their faces as if they are thinking, “Oh, how wonderful that someone else feels the same way I do!” I am certainly not opposed to women going to college, nor do I think women should be prohibited from pursuing their dreams, whether that means motherhood, medicine or meteorology. However, as someone who lived the feminist agenda for...

28 October 2011

Man Up! Chinese Elementary School Encourages Boys To Be More Masculine

Oldie but goodie. "And may their first child be a masculine child."Luca Brasi famously made this wish for Don Corleone's daughter on her wedding day in "The Godfather," and now an elementary school in China is hoping to turn its male students into manly men.That's right -- there's no "getting in touch with your feminine side" at Qinlinglu Elementary...

The death penalty prevents future crimes

By Ann CoulterIF I WERE A LIBERAL ...October 26, 2011 If I were a liberal, I would have spent the last week in shock that a Democratic audience in Flint, Mich., cheered Vice President Joe Biden's description of a policeman being killed. (And if I were a liberal desperately striving to keep my job on MSNBC, I'd say the Democrats looked "hot and horny" for dead cops -- as Chris Matthews said of a Republican audience that cheered for the death penalty.) Biden's audience whooped and applauded last week in Flint when he said that without...

27 October 2011

Berlusconi caught checking derrière of Danish PM Thorning-Schmidt

It's not like Berlusconi has a reputation of being a womenizer.No, wait.....

PETA Asks Federal Court To Grant Killer Whales Constitutional Rights, Sues Sea World For “Enslavement”

SourceSAN DIEGO — A federal court is being asked to grant constitutional rights to five killer whales who perform at marine parks — an unprecedented and perhaps quixotic legal action that is nonetheless likely to stoke an ongoing, intense debate at America’s law schools over expansion of animal rights.People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is accusing the SeaWorld parks of keeping five star-performer whales in conditions that violate the 13th Amendment ban on slavery. SeaWorld depicted the suit as baseless.The chances of the suit...

Zakir Naik - 25 mistakes in 5 min


25 October 2011

Portrait of unfaithful Britain: Almost half the population has admitted to cheating

The downfall of a nation.When it comes to love, the world is now our oyster - we can choose who to date, live with, marry or divorce.But it seems having endless options hasn't stopped couples from straying.A staggering 47 per cent of the British population has admitted to cheating on a partner - whilst 63 per cent have discovered they have been cheated...

Anarchist student at the centre of St Paul's protest is the son of a property tycoon

An activist at the centre of the Occupy London protest camp is the son of a rich property developer, it has emerged.Jack Hartcup, who is studying a philosophy degree, has played a major part in the demonstrations against capitalism outside St Paul's Cathedral and at the Dale Farm illegal travellers' site.But until three years ago, the 21-year-old...

Ran over a child twice 'because it was cheaper than paying the hospital bills'

Hey, it's not like they are killing children by the million by abortive means. No, wait...A lorry driver ran over a five-year-old boy – and then reversed over him to make sure he was dead in an apparent attempt to avoid footing hospital bills for the child.The sickening incident happened in Luzhou, western China, when driver Ao Yong hit Xiong Maoke...

24 October 2011

Solid majority of americans agree with #OWS. All 37% of them.

SourceIn other words, the so-called “99%” are solidly in the minority.But hey, that didn’t stop the AP from acting as if this poll is good news or something for the Occupy Wall Street (bowel) movement.WASHINGTON (AP) – More than one-third of the country supports the Wall Street protests, and even more—58 percent—say they are furious about America’s politics.The number of angry people is growing as deep reservoirs of resentment grip the country, according to the latest Associated Press-GfK poll.Some 37 percent of people back the protests that...

23 October 2011

Young Hispanic Catholics Continue to Shift to Evangelical Churches

Fonte Perhaps hungry to assimilate into American culture, more second and third generation Hispanics raised as Catholics are finding the worship style of evangelical churches in the U.S. more to their liking and leaving the centuries old religion. Although the trend has been reported in the past, a recent National Public Radio (NPR) article points to the shift led by young Latinos as the major reason for the increasing numbers of U.S. Hispanics leaving the Catholic church. Even more specifically, a movement...

How Occupy Wall Street Is Like the Tea Party

How on earth can any sane compare the two...

22 October 2011

"Occupiers" abuse a black man as a "N*gger"

If anybody else had used that word there would have been hell to pay. But Leftists can say anything they like, of courseA man who displayed a handgun at Occupy Portland’s downtown encampment after a dispute with protesters has been arrested, police said in a statement Thursday. The argument took place Wednesday afternoon when 32-year-old Jason C. Parker was challenged verbally by protesters after filming tents, police said. One of the protesters used a racial epithet against Parker, who is black, police said.A witness said Parker was filming...

Ann Coulter on #OWS: "As always, the mob is serving liberalism. "

'OCCUPY WALL STREET' [HEARTS] WALL STREETOctober 19, 2011 The worst thing about Occupy Wall Street is that it's ruining a good cause: hating Wall Street. Just when opposing Wall Street was gaining momentum, these brain-dead zombies are forcing us to choose between thieving bankers and them. If the Flea Party were really concerned about the greedy "Wall Street 1 Percent," shifting money around to make themselves richer and everyone else poorer, their No. 1 target should be George Soros. Of course, we don't know exactly how much...

21 October 2011

Wanted man 'has tattoo of cannibal warrior on his shoulder'

Stefan Ramin, 40, went missing in Nuku Hiva, French PolynesiaDental file sent from Germany positively identifies teeth as those of German adventurerInvestigators believe he was 'hacked to pieces and burned' The local hunter suspected of killing and eating a missing German tourist has a tattoo of a notorious cannibal tribe on his shoulder, it emerged...

Rhode Island Atheist Student, School Clash Over Prayer Mural Lawsuit

A 16-year-old atheist said Thursday she is confident the law is on her side in her fight over a prayer mural that she wants removed from the auditorium of her high school. Jessica Ahlquist said her side is "very strong" after attorneys for her and the city of Cranston made their case to Senior Judge Ronald R. Lagueux in U.S. District Court in Providence. Ahlquist believes the mural should be taken down.Ahlquist sued in federal court in April, saying the mural is offensive to non-Christians. Ahlquist has been an atheist since age 10. She...

Gun-free England plagued by knifepoint robberies

Now what? Will England ban knives? A rise in knifepoint robberies was last night blamed on overseas demand for expensive mobile phones. The number of robberies carried out with a knife went up by seven per cent last year. Police in England and Wales recorded 14,980 robberies at knifepoint over the 12 months to June, up from 13,994 a year earlier. Total robberies were up 3 per cent, to 76,786 from 74,887. Chief constable Jon Murphy, crime spokesman for the Association of Chief Police Officers, said: 'While there were falls in most police...

Feminism - The Backlash


20 October 2011

BREAKING: Feminism refuted with one video!

Just kiding. Only a video about the sexiest woman alive Laura Dore...

Anti-Semitic LA Teacher Fired

OriginalWho said blogs don't have any influence?Los Angeles school officials say a substitute teacher has lost her job after making anti-Semitic comments during an interview.In a statement Tuesday, schools Superintendent John Deasy condemned remarks made by Patricia McAllister during a protest rally last week.In an Oct. 12 interview with Reason.com at a Los Angeles rally, McAllister said "Zionist Jews and the Federal Reserve" need to be run out of this country.Deasy says that although freedom of speech is a protected right of public employees,...

19 October 2011

Obama REALLY Needs His Stolen Teleprompter


What an Obama speech would sound like minus TOTUS


18 October 2011

North Africans Attack White French Couple


Israeli Military Girls

Israel's secret secret weapon: Israeli Military Girls The Israeli Army Reporting for duty. ...

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