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25 April 2011

Black culture and its consequences

by Vox DayThe New York Times ponders a seeming imponderable:AT first glance, the numbers released by the Census Bureau last week showing a precipitous drop in Detroit’s population — 25 percent over the last decade — seem to bear a silver lining: most of those leaving the city are blacks headed to the suburbs, once the refuge of mid-century white flight.But a closer analysis of the data suggests that the story of housing discrimination that has dominated American urban life since the early 20th century is far from over. In the Detroit metropolitan...

Someone doesn't like the truth

I had to put my reply in here because the owner of the original blog doesn't like the facts about the close relationship between the homossexual behaviour and pedophilia. People have been brainwashed so well that the mear mention that there is something wrong about that behaviour makes them shake in their boots.http://pysih.com/2011/04/04/robin-barrett/Max the Cat, I guess you banned me, but here goes:Why wouldn’t I? You’re just the sort of person I was speaking to. Ignorant of the facts.The fact clearly show the disproportional presence of homossexuals...

22 April 2011

It's not hate when leftists do it


Gospel according to Twitter


21 April 2011

The wisdom of female dominance

Lately I have been reading with great interest the words of a few bloggers (see here and here) determined to reveal to the masses the singular way the female mind operates. Now, some people may say "Why do I need dating tips? I am married and I don't plan in going hunting soon". Well, as weird as it may be, married guys may need game tactics more then single ones.Let me ilustrate with a real life story:A friend of mine got divorced in the last 2/3 years, and now he is stuck in giving to her money every month. Due to the recession, sometimes the...

09 April 2011

Christian Nursing Student Magdalene Ashraf Raped by Muslim Doctor, Denied Justice in Pakistan

KARACHI, PAKISTAN -- A huge controversy has broken out in Pakistan over the case of Magdalene Ashraf, a 23-year-old third-year Christian student nurse at the Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Centre in Karachi, who was allegedly raped by a doctor on July 15, 2010.Magdalene is the daughter of Ashraf Masih, a poor Christian, who is said to have "dreamed...

On sex issues in elementary school: "Goal is to reach kids before they absorb their parents values," says school administrator!

♦Source♦ "The goal is to reach kids before they absorb their parents' values. By middle school it's too late."-- Elementary school administrator in Massachusetts We've been saying it for a while: The sexuality agenda is now in the elementary schools, and it's worse than you can imagine. Although the Boston Herald generally supports the Planned Parenthood / sex-ed / gay agenda in the schools, they occasionally allow an opposing op-ed. This one was published this past Thursday.Here's a glimpse of what most parents don't have a clue...

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