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25 May 2009

Someone Made a Monkey Out of Charles Johnson

The past couple of weeks have been really bad for Charles Johnson. He’s been schooled on a number of things, not least of which was his drinking of the DHS “veterans are a bunch of potential terrorists” Koolaid which blew up in his face. Well, looks like something else has gone a little sour for him – this one being the “evolutionary missing link” that was unveiled with much fanfare late last week. Charles, of course, was ecstatic. Here was his chance to validate his blog’s existence – much needed since LGF 1.0 began its ever-quickening slide...

23 May 2009

Rush Limbaugh Hates Science!

Well, it seems that old Rushie has fallen from grace in Chuckles' dictionary.Not being content in attacking pretty much every conservative figure there is (Jindal, Coulter, Glenn Beck, etc), the aging adolescent, has-been jazz guitarrist, Charles Johnson aka "Darwinist Rage Boy" is now angry at Rush Limbaugh. Rush's crime? Not worshipping Darwin. As I think everyone knows, there has been a huge (darwinian) hype about a lemur fossil found in Germany, and nicknamed as "Ida". To make the story short, it's just a fossil of an animal that looks like...

18 May 2009

Creatures that Defy Evolution - Part 1/3


17 May 2009

StopTheACLU to Charles: Sit Down, Chuckie!

Original Article Dude has seriously become as wacky as the posters at Daily Kos, Crooks and Liars, and Firedoglake. The consistent “let’s abuse those who do not believe in Darwinism and call them all Creationists” posts, the constant ones about the fascists in Europe which are meant to be attacks against Pam Geller, Robert Spencer, and a few others,...

16 May 2009

Conservatives have no problems with real science

In his latest attacks against the voices who refuse to worship Darwin, Charles "Darwinist Rage Boy" Johnson reveals his knowledge (or lackthere of) concerning the issue "darwin versus design". I got tired of having him spew the same mantra over and over again, so I decide to make a short post about some of the things he says. but “intelligent design” creationism has absolutely no legitimacy as a scientific theoryDepends on how you define "scientific theory", Darwinist Rage Boy. If you define "science" as the enterprise which denies a priori any...

15 May 2009

Most Americans are Pro Life

Original LinkLGF has been attacking and smearing social conservatives. The theory that is popular at progressive blogs like LGF, is that GOP is in trouble because of issues like abortion. Well, here is a big heartbreak for Kid Icarus and other progressives; a majority of Americans are now pro-life!More Americans “Pro-Life” Than “Pro-Choice” for First...

10 May 2009

Why in the World Was I Banned from Little Green Footballs?

From this article.In case many of you don't know, Little Green Footballs is a Right-leaning blog run by Charles Johnson. It focuses mainly on radical Islam, but no topic appears to be off limits. Lately, he has focused heavily on Evolution, why Intelligent Design should not be taught in schools, why Ron Paul is a racist, why Glenn Beck is crazy and the prevalence of Fascism in Europe.When I was blogging exclusively for Copious Dissent a few months ago, Charles linked to my posts. One time he linked to my discussion about Evolution, another time...

09 May 2009

The Designer Apparently Designs Like Humans Do

Here at UD we’ve heard over and over again that unless we “know” who the Designer is, then we can’t infer design. For example, if we were to argue that we’ve never seen the ancient Native Americans who fashioned arrowheads from stone, yet we are able to infer design in arrowheads nonetheless, the Darwinian side would respond saying, “Yes, but that’s because the Native Americans are humans like ourselves.”PhysOrg.com has an article about the microRNA, miR-7, which has been found to regulate a network which brings about uniformity among humans. The...

04 May 2009

Are Secular Geologists Ready to Consider a Global Flood?

http://creationsafaris.com/crev200904.htm#20090430a30, 2009 — Everyone knows the Bible tells the story of a global flood in Noah’s day. Creation scientists argue that its effects would have left visible evidence today – including most of the sedimentary layers and most of the fossil record. Secular geologists have laughed off this story since the 18th century as nothing but myth, of course, but a paper in the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences suggests that some of them are re-evaluating the role of “megafloods” in earth history. Some...

01 May 2009

Dhimwit of the Month: Charles Johnson

Little Green Drama QueenThe excellent Religion of Peace site gives a monthly "Dhimwit of the Month" award, and the winner for April is none other than libelblogger Charles Johnson: "April 2009 Dhimwit: Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs" (thanks to Kasper).“Robert Spencer posted a veiled threat today to attack me physically.” Charles Johnson,...

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