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27 February 2009

“We have no evidence at all that the tree of life is a reality”

More nightmares for the Darwinist Rage Boy (aka Charles Johnson.)From ApologeticsPress.OrgFor decades, Darwin’s evolutionary tree of life has been deeply embedded into the walls of science classrooms, the pages of biology textbooks, and the lectures of evolutionary biology teachers. Multiplied millions of high school and college students have seen illustrations of the supposed unicellular common ancestor of all living things at the base of a tree that branches into a plethora of more complex living organisms. Supposedly, certain unicellular organisms...

26 February 2009

The Darwinist Rage Boy

Over at Debbie Schlussel:PerpetuaRe: Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs. I used to post regularly there but his blog has become almost unreadable due to his obsession over “creationism”. In fact many people are referring to him now as “The Darwinist Rage Boy.” Charles Johnson = The Darwinist Rage Boy! Think it will stick...

25 February 2009

Charles' Non-Controversial Theory Generates Controversy

The real world has the habbit of denying darwinian pipe dreams. Darwinist Charles Johnson believes that there is no controversy "among real scientists" about "evolution". Putting aside Charles' definition of "real scientist" (which in darwinian vocabulary means "he who believes in evolution") and putting aside whatever he means by "evolution" (which in darwinian mantra means "change" - hmm...where have I heard that before?), the truth of the matter is that there are qualified non-young earth creationist (YEC) scientists who look at Neo-Darwinism...

23 February 2009

May the Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, Bless America


Bobby Jindal: Charles' Terrifying Ghost

Darwinist Charles can't stand academic freedom, and people who believe in it. He cannot accept also that americans overwhelmingly suport freedom to discuss other origins theories. It seems that for him, that is a step closer to a theocracy. Bobby Jindal became Charles' worse nightmare when he aproved the academic freedom bill, allowing teachers to discuss the evidence for and against evolution. It's kinda pathetic for people try to prevent students from hearing both sides of this issue, when evolutionary scientists are already discussing how some...

Charles Warns America: If a Creationist Becomes President, the Sky Will Fall!!

Ok ok. Perhaps the title of this post was not exacly what Charles said, but, hey, reading what he believes inteligent design is, is my post really out of touch with his mindset?You may say "Oh, but you are wrong! Surelly Charles is not advocating that the GOP rejects candidates because they trust in what the Bible says, are you?". hmmmmm. YES, I am! According to Charles, no creationist president will ever be elected in the USA. Is this true? Is Charles right on this one? Or is he scaremongering conservatives? Well, first of all, we must understand...

14 February 2009

Americans Agree With Darwin: Evaluate Both Sides

From "Evolution News"Americans Agree With Darwin That the Only Fair Way to Evaluate His Theory Is by “Fully Stating and Balancing the Facts and Arguments on Both Sides of Each Question.” Anika Smith From the new Zogby poll this week:QUESTION:...

06 February 2009

The Strange Case of Little Green Footballs II

About the Darwin-Hitler connection, I’ve written many times before (see here, here, and here, for example), quoting Hitler himself, his standard biographers, and Hannah Arendt. What emerges is that Nazism is indeed a kind of applied Darwinism, unintended by Charles Darwin himself, of course. Ideas have consequences, and some of them are unintended. Obvious, right?Not to blogger Charles Johnson in Little Green Footballs, who jumped on me in a recent post for writing two sentences in a Jerusalem Post op-ed to the effect that “Hitler himself clearly...

The Strange Case of Little Green Footballs I

The Strange Case of Little Green Footballs IIAbout the Darwin-Hitler connection, I’ve written many times before (see here, here, and here, for example), quoting Hitler himself, his standard biographers, and Hannah Arendt. What emerges is that Nazism is indeed a kind of applied Darwinism, unintended by Charles Darwin himself, of course. Ideas have consequences, and some of them are unintended. Obvious, right?Not to blogger Charles Johnson in Little Green Footballs, who jumped on me in a recent post for writing two sentences in a Jerusalem Post op-ed...

05 February 2009

Scientists Copy God’s Design—Without Giving God Credit (Again!)

This item is available on the Apologetics Press Web site at: http://www.apologeticspress.org/articles/3829AP Content :: In the NewsScientists Copy God’s Design—Without Giving God Credit (Again!)by Eric Lyons, M.Min.Man has been constructing airplanes for more than a century. From the Wright brothers’ first gliders to Boeing’s popular 747s to the U.S....

“So We Make Up Stories” About Human Evolution

by Kyle Butt, M.A.Dr. Richard Lewontin is the Alexander Agassiz Research Professor at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. Harvard University Press describes him as one of their “most brilliant evolutionary biologists.” A Harvard professor since 1973, he has impeccable academic credentials, and has gained worldwide notoriety for...

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