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30 October 2013

Proof Obama is a muslim

(function(d){ var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement('script'); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); }(document))...

26 October 2013

22 Quotes That Lay Out The Elite’s Agenda

Original 1. “In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all.” Strobe Talbot, President Clinton’s Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992. 2. “The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism....

25 October 2013

For Bill Keller: A Score of Religious Questions for President Obama

Source I posted a link this morning. After reading Keller’s piece calling for more careful examination of people’s religious beliefs I have to agree with Ace, he may regret this. Keller takes pains to assure readers he is not calling for a new litmus test, he just has questions. Funny this is only coming to him now that the race is on and it’s GOP candidates that are front and center. I don’t recall him demanding this much insight into Obama’s relationship with Wright or Pfleger. In fact, I seem to remember the NY Times apologizing...

18 October 2013

France Fights Masonic Jewish Hegemony

France is ruled by Freemasonry and Organized Jewry. One is designed to serve the other. The will of French citizens, their vote, the survival of their history, their heritage, their culture and ancestral religion (Catholicism), does not matter to this clique. Their aim is to destroy every root, every memory, every link to the past, every vestige of religious meaning, and above all, any shred of patriotism left in the heart of the French people. That's why they always emphasize the dark side of French history and ask the French people to genuflect...

16 October 2013

Do Not Donate to Illuminati Charities

Over 350 years ago, the apparition of Our Lady of Good Success in Quito, Ecuador predicted that at the end of the 20th century, Satan would almost totally rule the world by means of Freemasonry. Does the Illuminati rule organizations like the Fabian Society and its offspring, the charity Oxfam, too? Like Freemasonry, the socialist Fabian Society...

13 October 2013

Occidental College transcripts provides concrete evidence to annul Obama presidency.

 http://presscore.ca/2011/?p=2929   Occidental College transcripts provides concrete evidence to annul Obama presidency.   Posted by PC Corruption, Latest news, U.S., World news Saturday, June 18th, 2011   Registration transcript states ~ Name: Barry Soetoro - Religion: Islam - Nationality:...

12 October 2013

Why marriage matters

Por Jonathan V. Last While everyone else has spent the last few days obsessing about Gravity, the government shutdown, and the real possibility that the NFC East division champ will have six wins, it’s quietly been an interesting week for sociology nerds who think about marriage. The first came in a post from Richard Reeves and Joanna Venator (reacting to a Derek Thompson essay at the Atlantic) over at Brookings. The three researchers all look at marriage and social mobility. and make a pretty convincing case that the obvious...

Panicked MSM Begins Killing Off Comment Sections


11 October 2013

Shame works

The power of Shame should not be under estimated. Roosh and his fellow conspirators at Return of Kings have started on twitter #FatShamingWeek. It is a chance for the healthy amongst us to vent our rage at the degeneracy of society and the acceptance of fatness as the norm. Naturally the fatties out there are all up in arms, if they could raise them above their head that is. This perfectly proves the point of course – the fact they rise to it means they are bothered by it. Shame works. We can also see proof that it works from the liberal...

Communism and Jews

SOVIET GOVERNMENT, 1919.The High Commissaries of the People in 1919, two years after the Bolshevik Revolution:ALIAS. . . . . . . . . . . . . REAL NAME. . . . . . . . ETHNICITYLenin ………………………..Oulianoff ……………….Partly JewishTrotsky……………………….Bronstein …………….. JewStekloff ………………………Xachamress …………. JewMarloff………………………Zederbaum……………..JewGottsief ………………………Prapkine……………… JewKameneff……………………..Rosenfeld……………..JewSoukhanoff……………………Grimmer……………..JewLagesky……………………….Krachmann…………..JewBogdanoff ……………………Silberstein ……………JewGoreff…………………………Goldmann……………..JewOuritsky………………………Radomselsky………….JewVoladarsky……………………Kohen…………………..JewSverdloff...

10 October 2013

The war on Christians

The global persecution of Christians is the unreported catastrophe of our time Imagine if correspondents in late 1944 had reported the Battle of the Bulge, but without explaining that it was a turning point in the second world war. Or what if finance reporters had told the story of the AIG meltdown in 2008 without adding that it raised questions about derivatives and sub-prime mortgages that could augur a vast financial implosion? Most people would say that journalists had failed to provide the proper context to understand the news....

09 October 2013

Gulf states to 'detect' homosexuals and stop them entering the country

Kuwait and other states could conduct medical tests in an attempt to “detect” homosexuals trying to enter Gulf states, a senior official has announced.Yousouf Mindkar said routine clinical screenings of expatriates entering Gulf Cooperation Countries (GCC) such as Kuwait would be introduced at airports under new proposals. Persons who are identified as LGBT through the tests would then be refused entry into the country.A central committee tasked with the status of expatriates will view the proposal on November 11.Speaking to local daily paper...

04 October 2013

Public Schools 'Celebrating' LGBT History Month

What are your kids studying in school today? Public schools from California to Florida are celebrating LGBT History Month, where they highlight a homosexual or lesbian each day.  Thursday, America’s schoolchildren learned about Edward-turned-Gwen Araujo, who was intimate with men who allegedly beat him when they discovered he was not a woman. “If parents think our schoolchildren should be focused on science and math, not sex and murder, they need to talk to teachers, principals and school boards to ensure that this program is stopped,”...

Autistic Boy With Higher IQ Than Einstein Discovers His Gift After Removal From State-Run Therapy

In yet another example of how an out-of-control Goliath state system can cause more harm than good, a teenage boy who was diagnosed with autism at a young age has risen to stellar heights after quitting the special ed system with the help of his concerned mother. State therapy specialists claimed Jacob Barnett would never tie his shoes, read or function normally in society. But the boy’s mother realized when Jacob was not in therapy, he was doing “spectacular things” completely on his own. She decided to trust her instinct and disregard the...

Effects of Fatherless Children

"Based on our clinical experience with a number of latency aged and adolescent girls whose parents divorced during their oedipal years, we postulate that particular coping patterns emerge in response to the absence of the father, which may complicate the consolidation of positive feminine identification in many female children, and is observable during the latency years. We illustrate both the existence of these phenomena and implications for treatment: intensified separation anxiety denial and avoidance of feelings associated with loss...

02 October 2013

Liberal Columbia Professor Who Rails Against White Racists Is Attacked By Black Mob In Harlem

Dr. Prabhjot Singh calls himself a “leader in speaking out against white supremacy.” Prabhjot Singh is an assistant professor of international and public affairs at Columbia University and a resident in internal medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital. He was walking home on the night of September 25th when he was brutally attacked. Twenty...

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