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25 December 2013

Sir Paul Coleridge under fire for defending the right thing

High Court judge Sir Paul Coleridge has been disciplined for media comments he made in support of marriage – but he says the response is “disproportionate”. The formal warning relates to his involvement in articles for The Times newspaper in December last year and for The Telegraph’s website in July. The Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO) – the official body that deals with judicial discipline – says the comments amount to “judicial misconduct”. Stability Sir Paul, speaking about same-sex marriage, told The Times in 2012:...

21 December 2013

More Jewish History

Source Judaism, however, was subverted long before the Khazar/Ashkenazi wolves slipped under the deceptively useful Judaic sheepskin. Almost eight centuries earlier Christ’s apostle John records in Revelation 2:9, “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” How did this catastrophic confusion and misrepresentation come about? Immanuel Velikovsky in his epic work Ages in Chaos: From Exodus to Akhnaton presents record of the Israelites battling the Amalekites on at least two occasions...

17 December 2013

'The most evil man in the world'

It is 1982 and as day breaks in Liberia, the Krahn tribe prepares for the initiation of its high priest. Against the sound of the drumbeat, he is taken to an isolated area, led by a man in a carved black mask. The priest stands before an altar, naked. The elders bring a little girl, unclothe her and smear her body with clay. The priest slays the...

06 December 2013

Feminists fume about euphoric properties of semen

Source I was originally intrigued by this story as just another confirmation of God’s good, all natural plan for human sexuality and procreation. That liberal feminists were angry about the study’s findings came as no surprise.   But then I stepped back. Really? Can nothing good come from a man, literally? This debacle, which involves...

30 November 2013

Charles Johnson in Munich,1936


20 November 2013

The Talmud – The Shame of Jewish People

Source In an effort to speak the truth about certain matters I will begin with my people; the Jews. I am of Jewish descent  and I am supportive of many of the ideas, beliefs and customs of Jews. There are however some things that are simply an embarrassment to me and should be an embarrassment to all Jewish people. One such subject is the Talmud. The Talmud is considered a “holy writ” by Jewish people and it is held to a high opinion as superseding the Old Testament. It was originally written in Hebrew and is basically a codification...

14 November 2013

Why isn’t the world recognizing the Holodomor as an act of genocide?

Source By Oleksandr Kramarenko  http://www.day.kiev.ua/171008/  This article was prompted by Minister of Foreign Affairs Borys Tarasiuk’s recent appeal to the international community to recognize the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine as an act of genocide. As with his previous appeals, the world did not react to this one. I think that Mr. Tarasiuk, who is an experienced diplomat, was not counting on the success of that hopeless endeavor, just as he had not expected that last year’s appeals to step up Ukraine’s integration into...

Le Pen and Wilders forge plan to 'wreck' EU from within

Two of Europe's leading far-right populists struck a pact on Wednesdayto build a continental alliance to wreck the European parliament from within, and slay "the monster in Brussels". Marine Le Pen, the leader of France's rightwing nationalist Front National, and Geert Wilders, the Dutch maverick anti-Islam campaigner, announced they were joining forces ahead of European parliament elections next year to seek to exploit the euroscepticism soaring across the EU after four years of austerity, and the financial and debt crisis. Le...

12 November 2013

Another Word for “Holocaust”

He told us we would work at night, feeding the horses linseed cakes mixed with chopped straw. He said we should do this when people are asleep, because if they were awake, they would eat the horses’ fodder. We said, “How can we do that? People are more important than horses.” And he said, “We need the horses to cart the corpses away.” (oral testimony of Fedir Wereteno) The Soviets criminalized any mention of the famine and continued to officially deny its very existence until the 1980s, enabled all the while by the slavish gullibility of Western-press...

04 November 2013

Has equality destroyed your sex life?

By Linda Kelsey A controversial book claims feminism and the rise of ‘new men’ have killed off women's libidos... Corporate lawyer Amy, 38, goes to work in killer heels and a pencil skirt, commands a mega-salary and has a team of assistants at her beck and call. ‘At work, I’m always the one in control and I admit that I like it that way....

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