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18 June 2011

Southern Baptists Put Up Resistance to Homosexual Bullying

Source Finally someone is putting up a little resistance: Get Equal, a pro-homosexual advocacy group, has launched a petition drive that calls on the denomination to apologize for its teaching against the homosexual lifestyle. Organizers on the group's website contend the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is causing harm to the lesbian, "gay," bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community, and petition signatures will be delivered this week to the SBC's annual meeting in Phoenix. Terry Fox, senior pastor of Summit Church in Wichita, Kansas, and...

09 June 2011

Weiner Will Likely Survive Repulsive Scandal Since Democrats Don’t Resign

SourceRep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) was caught sending lewd tweets to several young women and lying about it. He even blamed conservatives for his repulsive behavior.Weiner may have bared all, but he will likely survive the disgusting scandal. After all, he’s a democrat.And, Democrats don’t resign– Ever.Whether they’re impeached in office for perjury...

07 June 2011

Charles Johnson's Daily Fail

SourceOut of all the lefty bloggers with egg on their faces for defending Weiner, this one is my favorite. Washed-up has-been and all around bloated mess, Charles Johnson aka Husky Ponytailed Blogger:Also see: Legal Insurrection - Charles Johnson: I Won’t Apologize to Breitbar...

05 June 2011

Green Fascists

Source Germany produced many of the key figures in the development of socialism, including Otto von Bismarck, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Adolf Hitler, so it should come as no surprise that some Germans are falling head over jackboots for its most alarming incarnation yet, ecototalitarianism: When it comes to environmental and climate policy,...

03 June 2011

Obama Condoms

SourceWe read:"A New York street vendor has been arrested once again for selling condoms in wrappers bearing the image of President Barack Obama.Jose Andujar, 43, was arrested on Friday in Times Square for selling his "Obama" condoms. It was his third arrest in a year for unlicensed peddling, police said, reported the New York Post.The arrest came despite a State Supreme Court justice ruling that Andujar's condoms are protected by the Constitution's guarantee of free speech. The decision said the condom wrappers should be treated like books,...

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