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11 December 2008

EVOLUTION WATCH - Judge copied ACLU in anti-intelligent design ruling

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows.To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?pageId=39256Thursday, December 11, 2008--------------------------------------------------------------------------------EVOLUTION WATCH - Judge copied ACLU in anti-intelligent design rulingStudy: 90% of 'masterpiece' Dover opinionerror-filled 'cut-and-paste' job by 'activist'verbatim--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Posted: December 12, 200611:00 am EasternBy...

ACLU and Charles Johnson Agree: Keep God out!

Charles Johnson made a post in which he reproduces Judge Jones' interview. What Charles was careful enough to say that Jones was apointed by Bush. Not only that, Charles was careful enough to cite Jones' words in which he says that he is a "I am a person of faith. I’m certainly not an atheist or an agnostic and I see some divine force somewhere". Even though Jones sees "some divine force somewhere", he failed to say where does he see that mysterious divine force. Is that divine forse seen through science? Or science belongs to atheism, as many...

07 December 2008

Tiktaalik Not a Missing Link

Dec 4, 2008 — Has all the colorful artwork of the fish-a-pod been for naught? Three European biologists that Neil Shubin’ famous Tiktaalik fossil, supposedly of a fish evolving into a four-footed land dweller (see 05/03/2006, 11/13/2008) and achieving near iconic status in the media (01/16/2008) is not a missing link after all. The situation is much more complex, argued Boisvert et al in a letter to Nature.1 Those who enjoy the full jargon can follow their reasoning: The pectoral fin skeletons of Panderichthys and Tiktaalik share certain...

06 December 2008

Darwinian Moonbat and Charlie Agree: Censor is Good

Darwinist Charles Johnson posts a story that shows how darwinian fundamentalists got terrified when a Zoo decided to work in cooperation with the Biblical Creation Museum.The only point I want to address in here is the following:"On November 30, 2008, biologist and blogger P. Z. Myers complained about the promotion at his blog Pharyngula, writing, “the Cincinnati Zoo has betrayed its mission and its trust in a disgraceful way, by aligning themselves with a creationist institution that is a laughing stock to the rest of the world, and a mark of...

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