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28 August 2008

Breaking: Religion and "Science" Not in Conflict

This is another plot atheistic evolutionists use try to put Christians to sleep. They proclaim in the media that "science" and "religion" are not in conflict. What they don't tell the media is that "religion" and "science" (by which they mean evolutionism) are not in conflict because they see religion as an evolutionary by product. In other words, religion is just something that happens in your head.Adding to that, they adhere to the NOMA, which was promoted by the late evolutionist and marxist Steven Jay Gould. (NOMA stands for "Non Overlaping...

26 August 2008

On the Front Lines of the *Religious* Wars in Florida

I had this post ready two years ago, but for some weird reason, it never came up. Here it is.I was beggining to wonder when would the first anti-Christian and anti-Creation post apear on LGF. It has been almost 2 days, and no evolutionary propaganda in Charles' blog.But wait! Here it is finally.Even though Charles doesn't say much, he does call evolution "science":"New York Times writer Amy Harmon follows high school science teacher David Campbell’s efforts to reach students who’ve been raised as strict creationists, fighting a Florida political...

25 August 2008

Purpose of the Blog

(Changed at 18:40 - 25/08/08 - Western European Time)This Blog in no way reflects the views on origins by the owner of Little Green Footballs.Little Green Footballs is a blog which has very good and reliable information about politics, Israel and the conservative party, among many other issues. Charles has been in the forefront in exposing many of the things in which MSM (Mainstream Media) is being dishonest, unreliable and plainly biased towards the liberal cause.However, when it comes to the debate between atheistic evolutionism and Inteligent...

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