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31 January 2012

Evangelical Pastor and Followers Violently Attacked by Hindu Mob

Seems like militant atheists and muslims are not alone in their drive to kill ChristiansAn Evangelical Pastor and Christian church goers were attacked by a violent Hindu mob, in what critics have identified as religious hate crimes. According to sources, the Pastor, identified only as Pastor Kiran, was accompanied by a group of evangelical Christians while visiting a fellow church member in Nalgonda district, South East India's Andhra Pradesh state. According to witnesses, an unidentified group of Hindu fundamentalists became...

Seattle Woman 'Marries' Building in Bizarre 'Gay Wedding' Ceremony

Source A Seattle woman "marries" a building in a bizarre attempt to save a 107-year-old warehouse from being torn down. Babylonia Aivaz told the public to attend her "gay wedding" to the building on Sunday. The nuptials were an attempt to save the building and turn it into a community center. It is unclear why she referred to it as a "gay wedding," but the woman hyped up the ceremony on social networks as a ploy to save the structure. "Yes, I'm in love with a 107 year old building! Yes, ITS A GAY MARRIAGE! How is that possible?...

Black caller says he is tired of Obama

This is a great call into Rush today from a self-identified black man named Dennis who has finally abandoned not only his support for Obama but says he is considering dropping his support for the Democrat party too. And his tipping point was Obama’s pandering to environmentalists in rejecting the Keystone Pipeline.Here’s the full call...

Nigel Farage - The European failure


29 January 2012

Shock: 40% of New York pregnancies aborted

Source NEW YORK, New York, January 5, 2012 (LifeSiteNews.com) – With the highest abortion rate in the nation, nearly double the 23% national average, New...

Effects of Feminism


28 January 2012

Obama loses in court


In new window Print all 91% of the Pregnant Women Who Visit Planned Parenthood Have Abortions

Source91% of the pregnant women who visit Planned Parenthood have abortions.Life News reported: As LifeNews reported last week, a new annual report the Planned Parenthood abortion business released shows it helped fewer pregnant women with prenatal care and the number of pregnant women it referred for adoptions declined as well. The report also breaks down the “services” Planned Parenthood offers in addition to abortions. Planned Parenthood has always come under fire from pro-life groups for doing hundreds of thousands of abortions by providing...

27 January 2012

Dog Keeps Watch Over Fallen SEAL’s Casket During Funeral

ZippersIf this doesn’t tug at your heart strings then you’re not human (or a liberal). (Blaze) — Petty Officer Jon T. Tumilson was laid to rest Friday in Rockford, Iowa, where an estimated 1,500 mourners came to pay respects for the fallen Navy SEAL, including his dog Hawkeye. In fact, Hakeye’s loyalty to his owner at the funeral was visible,...

Apostasy in Islam

SourceQuestion: Does Islam proscribe the death penalty for Muslims who wish to embrace another religion? Summary Answer: Those who turn their back on Islam are to be executed. This is confirmed by the words and deeds of Muhammad. The only freedom of belief in Islam is the freedom to become Muslim. The Qur'an: Qur'an (4:89) - "They but wish that ye should reject Faith, as they do, and thus be on the same footing (as they): But take not friends from their ranks until they flee in the way of Allah (From what is forbidden)....

25 January 2012


To hoom it mei kansern, I waunt to aply for the job what I saw in the paper.I can Type realee quik wit one finggar and do sum a counting...I think I am good on the phone and I no I am a pepole person,Pepole really seam to respondto me well. Certain women and all the menn.I no my spelling is not to good but find that I Offen can get a job...

24 January 2012

Croatians were backstabbed by their ruling class

Around 28% of the Croatian population voted in favor to join the European Union and that was enough to hand over the county's freedom in the hands ofd eurocrats.But what really happened? Let everyone decide:Fully aware that the Croatian People do not want to give up their hard earned independence, the ruling elites changed the Croatian Constitution prior to the EU referendum to eliminate the rule which invalidated any referendum unless 50 percent participation was achieved.Prior to the EU referendum, the Croatian people were subjected to a...

Jimmy Carter


God save the Hungarians! The European Union’s Culture war against Hungary – what it really is all about

Source In recent days there have been a lot of media reports about Hungary. According to those reports, the country not only is in a very bad shape economically, but there is also a risk that the Government, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orban, was trying to overturn democracy and install a right-wing dictatorship that is completely out of line with “European values”. The chorus is led by politicians like Luxembourg’s foreign minister Jean Asselborn, who slammed the country as being on its way to becoming “the blemish of the EU”,...

The options Obama should give


23 January 2012

Planned Parenthood Says Its Goal In Africa Is To Increase Abortions 82% By 2015

Pure evil.(CNSNews.com) — In its strategic plan for the Africa Region for 2010 to 2015, the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) states that it is working toward an 82 percent increase in abortion services. That number is in Figure 2, the “performance framework” of the plan (page 7), under “performance milestones/benchmarks” and notes...

Diddy yells at Cameron Diaz, and she likes it

Source The New York Daily News says that Sean Combs was yelling at Cameron Diaz (they’re reportedly dating these days) and ordering her around when they were at the Weinstein Company Golden Globes party Saturday night, but before you decide how you feel about that, keep in mind that Cameron Diaz went to that party looking like...

Evangelicals, birth control and the US elections

It is clear to even the most distant observer that family values are a big issue in United States politics. Among the Republicans vying for selection as presidential candidate so far two have been touched by sexual scandal: Herman Cain is out of the field but Newt Gingrich may survive. There’s another interesting angle to the other remaining contenders, however, and that’s their large(ish) families. This was noted by New York Times columnist Mark Oppenheimer: The Republican presidential field has produced a lot of babies. There is Mitt Romney,...

22 January 2012

Feminist Hatred-A Compendium of: with Commentary by Jeffrey Asher

http://victimfeministcentral.blogspot.com/2009/11/feminist-hatred-compendium-of-with.html "The institution of sexual intercourse is anti-feminist"Ti-Grace Atkinson 1974"Feminism is the theory, lesbianism is the practice."Ti-Grace Atkinson1996"The price of clinging to the enemy [a man] is your life. To enter into a relationship with a man who has divested himself as completely and publicly from the male role as much as possible would still be a risk. But to relate to a man who has done any less is suicide.." "I, personally, have taken...

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