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31 March 2011

President Obama's Most Amazing Libyan Achievements have been in America

Proof that Democrats have no principles -- only tribal loyaltiesBy bombing Libya, President Obama accomplished some things once thought absolutely impossible in America:a) War-mongering liberals. Liberals are now chest-thumping about military "progress" in Libya. Even liberal television and radio cite ingenious reasons why an optional, preemptive American intervention in an oil-producing Arab country, without prior congressional approval or majority public support -- and at a time of soaring deficits -- is well worth supporting, in a sort...

29 March 2011

Janet Napolitano

(Click to enlarge...

27 March 2011

Betrayed by a Muslim Man

[Source] This letter is from Kris, telling her story about how she was betrayed by a Muslim man. I am Hispanic and met my Muslim husband in 1999. At that time I was 21 years old single mother of one. My child’s father was and never has been involved, so my Middle Eastern partner assumed the role of “Father” towards my child. We dated for about 1 year before he moved into my house with my child and I. He swept me off my feet and was very generous towards all of my family and I. Both my parents were reluctant to accept him, due to his...

Trans man loses court battle for bigger breasts on NHS

A transsexual man who wanted his local NHS trust to pay for him to have bigger breasts has lost his case in the Court of Appeal. The 59-year-old was challenging West Berkshire Primary Care Trust’s decision not to fund the £2,300 operation, claiming that it violated his human rights and amounted to sexual discrimination. But on Friday three judges in the Court of Appeal ruled in favour of the Trust’s decision, upholding a previous High Court judgement. Failed The man, who is known only as C, began hormone therapy in...

‘Surprise’ defeat for Maryland’s gay marriage bill

A Bill which would have made homosexual marriage legal in one of America’s most liberal states has been thrown out. Both sides of the debate expressed surprise at the outcome, as it had been touted as a “done deal”. And it is widely believed that Maryland’s black churches were key in securing the Bill’s defeat. Civil rights? In the only public debate on the matter held by the House of Delegates this year, a number of openly homosexual delegates urged their colleagues to legalise same-sex marriages as a matter of civil...

26 March 2011

The tantalising proof that belief in God makes you happier and healthier

By Tom KnoxGod has had a tough time over the past few years. On TV, in newspapers and on the internet, the debate as to whether faith has any relevance in a sceptical modern world has been as ubiquitous as it has been vigorous. And it has been pretty clear which side is the most splenetic. From Richard Dawkins’ powerful atheist polemics to Christopher...

06 March 2011

Blue America: The land of the easily offended

Commentators on our country explain our blue-red division in many ways – liberal-conservative; secular-religious; North-South; coasts-heartland; singles-married with children. I propose one more explanation: the easily offended-the not so easily offended. With the acknowledgment that there are many individual exceptions, a major defining characteristic of modern-day liberalism is the ease with which liberals take offense personally and/or on behalf of others. Liberals regularly portray as offended women, African Americans, Jews, American Indians,...

03 March 2011

Dr. Bernard Nathanson, ‘faithful and courageous servant of the Lord’

by Steve Jalsevac ...

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