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30 December 2011

This is how a leader sounds like

(function(d){ var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement('script'); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); }(document))...

28 December 2011

Racial differences in felony sentences

FonteUsing various souhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifrces (NCVS, UCR, BJS), I put together three tables which help explain why state prisoners are roughly half black even though African Americans are only 13 percent of the U.S. population. The disparity is divided into differences in commtting serious violent crimes (i.e., robbery, aggravated...

An Open Letter To Rabbi Abe Foxman And The ADL

Rob Miller deals with another Obama-lover.I recently received the following fund raiser from the Anti-defamation League:Dear Miller,Just this past week, a Member of Congress was quoted referencing Nazipropagandist Joseph Goebbels when discussing communication techniques of the Democratic Party.We are truly living in troubled times when politicians...

27 December 2011

Kwanzaa A Fake Holiday Concocted By Violent Felon And Black Supremacist

The True Story Of Kwanzaa From Front Page Magazine: On December 24, 1971, the New York Times ran one of the first of many articles on a new holiday designed to foster unity among African Americans. The holiday, called Kwanzaa, was applauded by a certain sixteen-year-old minister who explained that the feast would perform the valuable service of...

26 December 2011

Longer sentences for hate murders

From Google News: (UKPA) Murderers motivated by hostility towards disabled or transgender victims will face life sentences with a starting point of 30 years, after a pre-operative transgender prostitute was murdered in London. Kenneth Clarke doubled the length of sentence which judges use to calculate the minimum term offenders must serve behind bars, saying hate crimes were abhorrent. Killers “should be in no doubt that they face a more severe sentence for these unacceptable crimes”, he said on Thursday. The 30-year starting point brings...

25 December 2011

African Warlord Who Killed 20,000 People Repents; Now Christian Evangelist

Source It’s a story of transformation that has surprised thousands and shocked all who have heard: a brutal African warlord with a violent past finds Christ and dramatically turns his life around. Selected for The Economist Film Project, an initiative by The Economist in partnership with PBS NewsHour, “The Redemption of General Butt Naked” is a chilling documentary about the changed life of Joshua Milton Blahyi, once dubbed to be one of Liberia’s most feared warlords. Now renouncing his violent...

Kim Jong-il's Death Sparks New Supernatural Claims by North Korea State Media

SourceAs preparations for the funeral of North Korea’s Kim Jong-il take place, mythological accounts generated by the North Korean state media have continued to make extraordinary and outrageous claims of the leader’s life, death, and alleged supernatural existence.The official biography of the Dear Leader insists he was “heaven sent.” When he died the official state news agency KCNA, regarded as the mouthpiece for the leader’s royal family, said that ice on a lake cracked “so loud, it seemed to shake the Heavens and the Earth” as the skies...

Child Sex Abuse Enquiry Launched by Anglican Church

While in the Catholic Church the child abuse alegations are decreasing ever since the Church started to reject homosexual seminarists, other "churches" are welcoming homosexuals.The predictable happens.The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rev. Rowan Williams, has set up an investigation in a diocese in southern England on Thursday, responding to allegations that priests who have been accused of abusing children have not been removed from their position and have been allowed to continue working.A statement released from Lambeth Palace, has said that...

24 December 2011

Records Obama still hasn’t released

Doug Ross has this list of records Obama still hasn’t released: Occidental College records and transcripts — Not releasedColumbia University records and transcripts — Not releasedColumbia Thesis paper — ‘not available’Harvard University records and transcripts — Not releasedMedical records — Not releasedIllinois State Senate schedule — ‘not available’Illinois State Senate records — ‘not available’Law practice client list — Not releasedCertified Copy of Original Birth certificate — Not releasedHarvard Law Review articles published — NoneUniversity...

23 December 2011

“We are really before a monster that is destroying everything we hold dear”

FonteSAO PAULO, Brazil, December 21, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Although Marxism appears to have died with the fall of the Soviet Union, it has only metamorphosed, and is now threatening culture in many nations at every level, according to one of Brazil’s best known priests. In an exclusive video interview with LifeSiteNews, Fr. Azevedo tells LifeSiteNews that Marxists have moved into the cultural sphere following the discrediting of their economic views, and are now seeking to subvert all of the institutions of society from within. ...

NAACP's house negros support their democrat masters over the well-being of black babies

The word from LifeNews.com is that the NAACP is opposed to the Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act of 2011, which criminalizes abortion on the grounds of race or sex. Incredible. With Planned Parenthood operating 78% of their "clinics" in inner-city neighborhoods, and African Americans constituting 12% of the nation but having 37% of the abortions, this is not only racial suicide, but fratricide as well. When the NAACP objects to a bill that would not only outlaw sex-selective...

An Open Letter To Rabbi Abe Foxman And The ADL

Rob Miller deals with another Obama-lover.I recently received the following fund raiser from the Anti-defamation League:Dear Miller,Just this past week, a Member of Congress was quoted referencing Nazipropagandist Joseph Goebbels when discussing communication techniques of the Democratic Party.We are truly living in troubled times when politicians...

Utah Supreme Court: fetuses are ‘minor children’

LifeSiteNews - The ruling was issued in the case of a Utah couple who was suing their doctor after their child was stillborn in 2006, saying that the doctor refused to induce labor in time. Although the justices were divided on the case, four agreed that unborn children should be classified as minor children. “In my view, a plain language reading...

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