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30 June 2010

"No Ultimate Meaning Without Immortality and God"

William Lane Craig William Lane Craig is Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, California. He is well known for his work as an apologist, speaker and debater. He is the author of Reasonable Faith. View all resources by William Lane Craig http://www.bethinking.org/who-am-i/introductory/no-ultimate-meaning-without-immortality-and-god.htmIf...

29 June 2010

Transsexual Freakazoid Is Ruled Both Man and Woman

Original Posted by Van Helsing At last Britain has cleared up the confusion over whether a transsexual is a man or a woman. The answer: s/he is both, depending on whichever is more advantageous. A transsexual man has won the right to be treated as a man in the marriage system and a woman in the pension system. Christopher Timbrell, who has...

28 June 2010

Ancient Fragments of Moses’ Song of the Sea

http://www.apologeticspress.org/articles/240361by Dewayne Bryant, M.A.Printer version | Email this article On February 26, 2010, the Associated Press reported that two pieces of a biblical manuscript had been reunited after being separated for centuries (Demirjian). The fragments date to the 7th century A.D., a period during which almost no Hebrew manuscripts survive. This exciting discovery has once again drawn the world’s attention back, not only to one of the earliest books of the Hebrew Bible, but one of its earliest sections. The two...

27 June 2010

Top footballer: I could be dead but God saved and restored me

http://www.christiantelegraph.com/issue9779.htmlA Premiership football star has revealed just how important a part God has played in his life, reports Christian Concern for our Nation. On the brink of appearing in the final of Europe’s second most prestigious competition, Fulham star Zoltán Gera, 31, revealed the life story of how his Christian...

City Taken Over by Illegal Immigrants Collapses into Bankruptcy and Lawlessness

Original Posted by Gregory of Yardale at 6:06 PM | Dateline Maywood, California. This Los Angeles County municipality --- 97% Hispanic, 40% illegal --- was one of the first cities to declare itself a sanctuary city and to demand a boycott of the state of Arizona for enforcing immigration laws. Its city council is entirely Hispanic and dominated by La Raza racists. Years ago, it prohibited its police department from confiscating cars from unlicensed drivers. It has demanded Congress grant unconditional amnesty to illegal immigrants. It...

26 June 2010

Seniors Not Allowed to Pray Before Meals at Nursing Home

Original Posted by Jim Hoft This is unbelievable… Now they won’t allow our seniors to pray before meals.When did America become a communist regime?(Flickr)Senior citizens are no longer allowed to pray before meals at the Port Wentworth’s Ed Young Senior...

The Danger of Affirming Homosexuality in the Public Schools

Share this Article by Brian Thomas, M.S. * Modern culture increasingly embraces the notion that homosexuals are born, not made. It is even sometimes presented as fact that a "gay gene" compels some people to seek same-sex partners. In that vein, more and more public school educators are being pressured to present homosexuality as a normal lifestyle that should be affirmed in students who feel they might be gay. The American College of Pediatricians, however, has issued a caution...

Secular Geology Admits to Rapid Canyon Formation by Megafloods

Original June 21, 2010 — It’s hard to deny catastrophic canyon formation when you have the evidence right in front of you. Look what happened in Texas a few years ago, as reported by PhysOrg: In the summer of 2002, a week of heavy rains in Central Texas caused Canyon Lake – the reservoir of the Canyon Dam – to flood over its spillway and down the Guadalupe River Valley in a planned diversion to save the dam from catastrophic failure. The flood, which continued for six weeks, stripped the valley of mesquite, oak trees, and soil; destroyed...

UN Attacks Poland’s Pro-Life Laws at Human Rights Meetings

By Hilary WhiteGENEVA, June 7, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – Officials of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva have launched a full-scale attack on Poland’s pro-life laws. Poland protects the right to conscientious objection for health care workers and the rights of the Catholic Church. Pat Buckley, European officer for the United Kingdom’s Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) said that the 14th session of the Human Rights Council sitting this week “promises to be lively.”A report submitted to the council by Anand...

NY Times Now Pushing Child Porn Agenda

Original This was sick.The New York Times published a glowing piece on a liberal judge who does not believe in punishing those who enjoy child porn. The judge, Jack Weinstein, has even thrown out child porn convictions that would have ensured at least 5 years behind bars.The judge believes: “We’re too tough on child pornographers.” In his 43-year career as a federal judge, Jack B. Weinstein has come to be identified by his efforts to combat what he calls “the...

British Government Offers Teens Jobs on X-Rated Websites

Original Posted by Van Helsing at 8:00 AM | Comments (2) Big Government can help us in so many ways. Admittedly the massive burden of taxation and regulation it imposes drives millions out of work. But not to worry, bureaucrats are always there to catch you when you fall. They can even help you find a job consistent with their own liberal values: Some government-run unemployment offices in Britain are offering teenage job seekers a chance to make more than $1,000 a week on x-rated Web sites, the Birmingham Mail reports. The newspaper...

The Author of Salvation took on flesh

http://www.answersingenesis.org/e-mail/archive/AnswersWeekly/2005/1224.aspIn the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. But, through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned. It was fitting for Him, for whom are all things, and through whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to perfect the author of their salvation through sufferings. Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood,...

Archaeologists Find Oldest Paintings of Apostles in Roman Catacombs

Original AP Photo/Pier Paolo Cito A cameraman films a painting discovered with the earliest known icons of the Apostles Peter and Paul in a catacomb located under a modern office building in a residential neighborhood of Rome, Tuesday, June, 22, 2010. Restorers said Tuesday they had unearthed the 4th-century images using a new laser...

Ray Comfort and Homossexuality


25 June 2010

Gallup: Self-Identifying Conservatives At Highest Level Since 1992

http://minx.cc/?post=303004Plus: Wal-Mart Moms Abandoning Democrats? —Ace Asymptotic. The 42% identifying as conservative represents a continuation of the slight but statistically significant edge conservatives achieved over moderates in 2009. Should that figure hold for all of 2010, it would represent the highest annual percentage...

Erosion of religious freedom threatens Church and nation

England is becoming the dream of every progressive fascist.Archbishop Donald Wuerl, photo via catholicnewsagency.comIn an exclusive interview obtained by CNA, Dr. John Haas of the National Catholic Bioethics Center asked Archbishop Donald Wuerl of Washington D.C. about some of the issues facing the Church in the “contemporary context.” In his reply,...

Teh Gheys Choose 10-Year-Old Boy as Pride Parade Grand Marshal - Moonbattery

Original Posted by Gregory of Yardale a A 10 year old boy has been selected as the Grand Marshal of the NW Arkansas Gay Pride Parade. Way to fight that stereotype of rampant pederasty, guys. I don't think you have to be a homophobe to find this disturbing on many levels. Just to name a few: Gay Pride parades are notorious for celebrating sleaze. The organizers of the NW Arkansas Pride Parade declare that their event is "family-friendly," but the evidence is that teh gheys define "family friendly" rather broadly.This kid rocketed to progressive...

24 June 2010

It Begins. Cops Arrest Christians For Handing Out Bibles to Muslims in Michigan

And it begins. The Christophobes and the Theophobes who run the USA must be delighted with this.Via Gateway Pundit.It’s come to this…Police in Dearborn, Michigan arrested Christians last week for handing out Christian literature:From the Video: If you have questions about the legality of preventing Christians from distributing copies of the Gospel on a public street, you may contact the Dearborn Police Department at 313.943.2240. AllahPundit at HotAir reported this on the arrested Christians: Via Powerline, so insane is this that I’m paranoid...

Dawah on Facebook?

(Click to enlarge)Wonder when will we have a "Lord Jesus Saves" pass phrase...

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