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30 September 2009

Obama being worshipped by community organizers

(function(d){ var js, id = 'facebook-jssdk'; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.createElement('script'); js.id = id; js.async = true; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(js); }(document))...

25 September 2009

Lotus Glass Repels Water, Dirt, Bacteria

09/23/2009 Sept 23, 2009 — Imagine never having to wash your windows again. That would be a huge boon not only for window washers on skyscrapers, but for astronauts on the space shuttle or space station. It may become a reality, thanks to the lotus plant. Science Daily reported on work by a company in Atlanta that has developed a transparent...

23 September 2009

The Descent of Little Green Footballs

And yet another conservative blog smokes out the Darwinist Rage Boy. This time the attack comes from "Right Wing News"...

Like a Phoenix, Irreducible Complexity Rises Again

A couple of weeks ago, etihwelppA selrahC at LGF 1.0 posted about an article that appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) entitled “The Reducible Complexity of a Mitochondrial Molecular Machine.” As is usual for selrahC – who is not a scientist, and does not evince any actual knowledge of any scientific field – there was a whole lot of crowing about irreducible complexity “going down in flames.” Yet, this “evidence” for evolution was anything but. And today, Michael Behe, who pioneered irreducible complexity in the...

21 September 2009

Picture: LGF sinking

Thanks to StopTheACLU and ChristmasGhost for the picture....

19 September 2009

JoshuaPundit Delinks LGF

Original Article I don't normally get involved in Blog wars, but I'm going to make an exception here, for various reasons that I'm sure will become clear.As some of you may have noticed, I delinked Little Green Footballs from Joshuapundit about a week and a half ago. This has been coming for awhile, but it's the only time I've ever purposely delinked...

18 September 2009

Floppy Wings = Efficient Flight

Original ArticleBy Michael Torrice ScienceNOW Daily News17 September 2009 Next time you're on an airplane, check out the wings. Every bolt and rivet is flush with the surface, creating an extremely smooth shape. The wings of the desert locust are not nearly as sleek: They're covered with ridges and veins, and they twist and deform as they flap. But these features make the insect an efficient flier, albeit at lower speeds, according to a new study. Biologists and engineers have long known that insect wings are more complex than just flat, rigid...

17 September 2009

Citation: Charles and "fact-checking"

Charles made an hilarious question that I just couldn't let go by:"After all, who cares about basic fact checking when there’s an ideology to be promoted?"Yes, who cares about checking the facts, when there is an ideology to be promoted? Remember Ida? Piltdown Man? Nebraska Man? Lucy? Where was the "fact-checking" then? Oh, I forgot. That can't be done in such cases because there's an ideology to be promoted...

LGF being attacked by conservatives

Well, I guess that didn't take long to happen. Having been used in calling everyone in sight as a "creationist" or a "white supremacist", Darwinist rage boy is getting some "love" from other right wing blogs:The "right wing blogosphere" has noticed. See: * "Goodbye Little Green Footballs, Hello Powerline."* "Talkin' Charles Johnson Paranoid Blues."* "Little Green Footballs' Johnson Sinks Further Into the Abyss."...

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