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22 July 2009

Why Would a God of Love Allow Pain in His Universe?

A good friend of mine made me a few very important questions that I would like to answer in here. I start by the final part of his questions: Are there answers to what I ask?Sure there are, and I hope I can give some in here. Those won't be complete nor flawless because only God has all the answers. However, I believe that God has revealed enough of Himself for us to have suficient answers. The first question reads: What moved me there [agnosticism] is that I've seen a lot of human suffering and I don't... I can't understand why a loving God would...

13 July 2009

Evolutionary Materialism Faces its own Enlightenment

Students of the religious history of Western civilization are well-acquainted with the effect that the so-called “Enlightenment” had upon the religious life in Europe and America. The winds of skepticism, doubt, rationalism, and progress were sweeping the West, causing many to question and reject the traditional religions of their forefathers. To many, this was and is a cause for lamentation. For others, a cause for celebration. Blown in by these winds of change was a revival of the philosophy of materialism – the view that this world is all there...

07 July 2009

Some Scientists Are Allowed to Question Darwin

Surprisingly as it may be, there are some scientists who are allowed to question the theory of evolution and remain within the mianstream scientific circles. Of course, the scientists who do attack Darwin have to be careful enough to broadcast their materialistic faith nonetheless. A good article concerning the "free pass" some materialistas have concerning the theory of evolution has been posted in "Evolution News".Here is a snap: We're often told that the evidence for neo-Darwinian evolution -- where unguided natural selection acting on random...

04 July 2009

Teleological Evolution and the Clash of Worldviews

An interesting post by Michael Egnor over Evolution News & Views, the Discovery Institute's group blog. He points out the "civil war" that is brewing between atheistic evolutionists and theistic evolutionists (whom he calls "accomodationalists") over the compatibility of science and religion.We are entering an era in which a substantial and loud minority of atheist scientists and philosophers are claiming that science validates and depends on atheism and materialism. A ferocious fight has broken out in the pro-Darwinist blogosphere over this...

Happy 4th of July, USA!

God bless the USA, Israel (and Portugal!) ;-...

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